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Guide to External Transactions

Hi, so if you've clicked this you're probably interested in learning some of the tactics that will keep you safe when you take part in external transactions and Toribash. First things first, here's a list of things I plan to cover in this tutorial:
  • Who can I trust?
  • Steam Items (skins etc)
  • Steam Cards/any kind of card
  • Sale of TC
  • Purchase of TC
  • Chargebacks
  • Paypal and why its the best
  • Screenshots
  • Loans and why you shouldn't do them


It's worth noting that these are precautions in case of a scam you can prove that you were in the right, the person who scammed you was in the wrong and provide no room for the scammer to win the case and keep his stuff. Although some of the stuff will act as a deterrent towards scammers; it's not 100% foolproof. Even I have been scammed before, by someone who was very well trusted but just wanted to "cash out." THIS GUIDE ASSUMES PEOPLE ARE RATIONAL AND AREN'T GOING TO RISK LOSING THEIR ENTIRE WORTH FOR A SMALL SCAM and people can be stupid and surprise you, although staff I believe will take items from the scammer and give them to you equal to the worth of the scam if you do get scammed by someone with lots of value.

How do I know whether or not somebody is trustworthy?

I love this question and can answer it by looking at numerous factors. To determine whether or not somebody is trustworthy there are a few things that you can do and look at.

First thing to look at, believe it or not, is the join date. If they joined this month and want to do some trade that would benefit you immensely, odds are they're trying to scam you. Another thing to look at is the users worth, for instance if they want to buy 5$ worth of TC off you and have 1m TC and a worth that well exceeds the transaction, odds are they aren't trying to scam you because they would end up losing more by scamming you then they would gain (assuming that they would get banned).

Another thing to look at is QI, if someone has a large QI then their account is technically worth more which lowers the chance of them scamming. To determine the complete worth of someone don't forget to check their active/deactive/market inventories because they might be worth something. If the deal seems too good to be true, it probably is. Reputation is a big aspect, if someone has gotten in trouble with MSquad before and have lived to tell the tale they probably wouldn't mind doing it again, if someone has a shady reputation then try to steer clear. But the thing with marketing is that big risk deals are often the most profitable and if the person has a good reputation along with some good collateral then go for it.

If after all of that you still aren't 100% sure that the trade is a safe one, go on IRC or PM an online Market Squad member if the person is trustworthy enough for the trade you plan on doing. I think it also helps to tell what the trade is to the msquad member so they can judge whether its realistic too.

Steam Items

Honestly not a big fan of trading steam items because it's kind of unsupported by TB staff and because it's increased risk along with the steam market fees. Also I don't ever end up playing a game to long and cashing out on skins has like a 10% tax if sold on market. If you're trading steam items for TC there are a few bits of info that you need to gather, one of which is the username of the person (before the trade). The reason being is that if that person gets the items and then trades them away and claims to have never received them then you can use their inventory history against them. Inventory history shows all TRADES between him and other players. Notice it's only trades! If they sold it inside of the market then it will be in the market history of the user, which you cannot access so they will have to provide the screenshot. Be careful when looking at other peoples screenshots, if it's an important screenshot make sure that nothing is cropped so you can see the username along with the date, also be wary of photoshoppers. After reading the section above and deeming them worth your trust, if you're trading TC to them odds are you should be the one going first because TC is easier to retrieve than steam items.

Steam Cards

Steam cards are risky business and in my opinion shouldn't be bought unless you either plan on using them before you pay or you know the person you're buying from well and trust them. The reason being for this is that you're buying a code, not the physical card. The danger with this is the seller of the card could have an alternative steam account and redeem it on there, that way his transaction history is clear of redeeming it and theres no way to prove that the buyer didn't do the same thing. It's nearly impossible to win a scam case from either side from with steam wallet code and therefore I'd recommend trying to get the other person to go first if you do plan on buying them, and making sure the code works before you fork over your cash. Another thing is I wouldn't try to resell steam wallet codes because if you got a fake code you won't be able to find out it's fake until you resell it and somebody tries to redeem it. Then you're in trouble for pretty much scamming somebody else and it's a big mess, especially if the person who scammed you doesn't have the items/TC to replace your loss. This goes for pretty much every other card too, they're risky and staff really cannot help out that much.

Selling TC

Selling TC isn't that risky honestly. The return is moderately low unless you get a really good deal or earn it yourself (lol). It's important to have a Paypal if you plan on selling TC. Although webmoney may work if your Russian, Paypal is superior and more widely accepted. I won't cover how to set up a Paypal account but it's pretty easy and you can always PM me if you are struggling. Paypal has various features that will make your life a whole lot easier. Here are some of the basics:
  1. Have your customer send as a gift
  2. Make them leave a note describing the transaction
  3. Make sure they send the money before you send the TC
  4. Specify that if it's a different currency you go by Paypals currency conversion rate

1. Reason for this is that if you've agreed on a price of 5$ for 50k TC and they do not send it as a gift then you (the seller) will end up paying for the fees if they are from another country. There will not be a fee if you and customer are both from the same country.

2. It's pretty damn important to have one of these posted somewhere on your thread because it acts as further proof of them knowingly buying TC and that way its harder for them to argue the amounts if there is a dispute.

3. Buyers usually go first when it comes to buying TC, if they try to make you go first point out reasons why you are trusted and even have them ask a staff member if they are not convinced. If they still insist on you going first just back off from the trade, it's most likely a scam attempt, if not you can just skip out on that deal, it's not like your TC is going to vanish if you don't sell it quick enough.

4. If you use USD and they're paying in Euro's make sure you let them know that you use Paypals conversion currency rate because it's often a tad bit lower than what you find on google. You can calculate paypals rate on paypals rate calculator. Just for example as of this post, the exchange rate for USD to EURO is 0.89 on paypal, but googles is 0.92. If it's a large transaction that amount can add up.

Buying TC
Buying TC can be risky if it's not done right. When you're buying TC the general idea is that if someone runs a TC shop they are a safe person to buy from compared to someone just selling an amount of TC because they have and those people are often inexperienced with paypal and doing a real money transaction. When you're buying TC you want to make sure that if the seller doesn't send you the TC after you pay that you have more than enough evidence to prove that you sent the correct amount of money and that you've both agreed on the amounts. If you're buying from someone who isn't running a shop there are a few things you should be cautious of, such as if the person sells all of their TC to multiple people and agrees to all of the offers despite not being able to fulfill it and gets the USD, thats why sometimes its better to do business through posting on the thread.

Chargebacks and why you should be afraid of them

The best thing about people sending money as gifts is the only way they can chargeback the money is through talking to their bank and having them reject the charge to their account, which is more of a hassle then doing the other payment option. In the case of someone issuing a chargeback through their bank paypal will take the funds out of paypal balance and yes you can have a negative paypal balance. They will hold the funds until the case is resolved, and honestly the best thing that could happen at this point is they reverse the chargeback which is a painful process for the bank and paypal and you'll most likely have to talk to a paypal representative. If they don't reverse it your other best option is the staff giving items/tc that is on the account that scammed you. Chargebacks are a lot of work and the main risk behind selling TC because if they open a dispute on Paypal you will lose everytime because it's a virtual item and Paypal doesn't like to get involved in those so they often rule with the buyer.

Paypal is the best for many reasons, mainly because of free sending if it's a domestic transaction and because everybody else has it too. Also good because if you hook up your bank account and get your account verified, then you can use it for pretty much all online transactions. It's really quick and safe, much easier then plugging in your card info every time you buy something online. Paypal has some pretty good customer service if you call them up, if you want more info on a dispute you're having they answer everything pretty well and can access all the things you see, so no describing everything either.


I will finish this section once I get home. It's a good idea to download the program gyazo from This program makes it insanely fast to take screenshots and not only takes them but you can select where on your screen you want to screenshot and after you do that it instantly hosts the screen on their website and brings it to you, allowing you to easily link it to others. Great to use for proof and just daily things, definitely worth grabbing. There are a few major things to look at when looking at a screenshot:
  1. Check the date
  2. Check the user
  3. Make sure it's not cropped/photoshopped
You need to check the date because they could always screenshot it before they acquire the item. You're also going to want to check to make sure the screenshot reflects the user in the deal, which segues us into why you want to make sure there is absolutely no cropping. If someone crops something then there's no way to tell date or user, which can allow for swindling!


I've only given out a few loans and mainly because most people who ask for loans are 5 day old accounts trying to get money to bet. On top of that they're a pain to keep track of and a pain to deal with once you don't get your money back. Only thing I can recommend is abstaining from loans altogether because odds are if someone wants a loan they are trying to duel/bet for more and if they lose then you're out of your TC and if they win the return isn't worth the risk. If you do end up issuing a loan just take screenshots of the agreement, loan end date, how much they pay you in total on that date and any other additional terms.
It's worth mentioning that loans can be a good way to make some money IF you do it with the right people. When giving out a loan odds are they don't have much TC so if they scam you that wont help much. But if they have a lot of items and QI it sounds more legitimate to loan them TC. Another thing you definitely do want to look at is their transaction history, if they're losing a ton of money and never winning odds are that what they plan on doing with your loan is the same thing. Best case scenario you want to give loans out to people who would be able to pay them back, so if they're skilled players and want to try and win some duels with it and you know they're good then you have a chance at getting your money back and more. All in all it's all in who you are loaning to, it's good to be picky when it comes to giving out loans.

That's all I got folks, if you have questions, think a section should be added or anything PM me or post

p.s. I plan on adding images and better formatting
Last edited by WorldEater; Oct 28, 2017 at 03:42 PM.
i created the ??? emoji
like a lighter bitch we ignit