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[Music] I'll Be Gone
Probably my best attempt at a chill drop so far: I'll Be There
Made with MAGIX Music Maker Jam.
It sound's like RnB with a Trap-ish drop in my opinion. Don't forget to CnC ^.^
Don't know what that program is but I did not like this
the first part of it is pretty sweet, could fit well into deep house


When you get to the "drop" I just died.

Number 1: There is no "power" in the beats (Will post example.)

Number 2: The sound is repetetive and boring to listen to
add some alterations in drops if you're gonna
have one.

Number 3: Never use that "bubble" sound in a trap remix.

Might not be the best example, but listen to the drop and you'll
understand what I mean.
"No mortal arse can quench my thirst."
I know what you mean and what's wrong with the 'bubble sound'? Oh and it's actually a percussion sound.

I could give it more power but it isn't really meant to have power. I created the drop with the intention of it being something you can relax to (not saying you can't relax to chill drops with huge power because you can). I will see what I can do I suppose. Also, how do you suppose I give it more power? Add sound effects maybe, vocals, more bass, switch up the drums?
Originally Posted by Cariboon View Post
huge ass post

its a characteristic of the genre, im not a fan of it aswell but i guess people are

it sounds nice, the only thing i would change is that the breakdown doesnt feel like its antecipating the chorus. as in, when the chorus/drop appeared i didnt even expect it at all, it seemed like it wasnt built up by the previous part (the part with the vocals). and i would normally not complain about anything like this but its actually been proved that it is difficult to rest your mind with unpredictable and irreverent music (such as jazz)

the one thing people always do to build up the drop/chorus/whatever is add a noise sweep during the breakdown

heres an example of a sweep:

you can just google free white noise sweep samples and they will appear by the dozens

a sweep in action: (yeah i know songname etc but i currently cant think of an obvious track that uses obvious sweeps other than that one)

the sweep here is the weird noise (almost sounds like a jet engine) in the background that builds up the next part. its great for transitions between breakdown & chorus and chorus & breakdown
oh yeah
I will consider adding one ^.^. "Sweeps" are quite popular anyways. Also, thanks for giving me feedback because I know you make music so it's nice to get CnC from another artist.
Originally Posted by Kradel View Post
Also, thanks for giving me feedback because I know you make music so it's nice to get CnC from another artist.

if you consider taking random breakbeat sample and layering a bunch of rave stab samples music then yeah im the best dude

youre getting better at a higher rate than me since im not trying very hard to improve because i have no intention of actually getting good lol
but yeah keep practicing im actually ok with the stuff you upload even though i hate everything with chill in the title. i dont post too often in your threads because i am way too lazy..
oh yeah
I try to change the chill up a bit. Though this track is quite generic. Also, your stuff isnt bad for someone who's not trying. Layering samples not made to fit is probably harder than making your own track ^.^.