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[Music] Intergalactic - EP

As promised, here is the "Intergalactic - EP" that I have been working on for some time.

Mastered the songs myself, so hopefully everything sounds alright for everyone.


Each song was produced using Logic Pro X, and FL Studios.

Listen and enjoy!
the first track was actually really good, better than i expected honestly. i would hesitate before using stuff like the piano keys at 1:09 & the supersaws at 1:42 myself though, it seemed to lose some of the flavour/mood it had going
also, some objective commenting: the synth at 3:29 is abnormally loud. weird, since everything else honestly sounds pretty nicely engineered

dont actually have much to say about ultra zenith, not really my kind of stuff. nothing popped out as too loud or quiet to me

anomaly: i actually really hate piano intros & forcing orchestral instruments into edm tracks, but not going to touch that to avoid enforcing my opinion
felt a bit strange to hear the dubstep lazers towards the end, but when i think about it it wasnt actually bad, since it broke the theme of using saw tooth synths everywhere which was starting to become a bit monotonous to me. so nice move, i think

believe: using vocals in tracks is 2 hard for a moron like me to do, so i was impressed that you managed to use them to the tracks advantage. although, after a bit the vocals sound a tad too "in the front of the track", if that even makes sense. i would like to hear what it would sound like if they were a bit lower volume, were sidechained, "stereoed" (i dont actually know what it is called, i just duplicate the track & pan one of them 100% to the left, the other 100% to the right, and change the pitch slightly on one of them to make it sound wide or in the back of the mix) or even if you put reverb on them. a bit of a nitpick though, since i dont even know what i would do to fix it myself

overall pretty enjoyable, even if not my type of music. the only major things i would complain about are the loud synth on the first track & overusing the saw synths a bit, but nice job despite that
oh yeah
Hi pusga,

thanks for the in-depth comment.

I specialize in the engineering of saw bass, so I use it in everything I make. I guess everyone has that "thing" they are good at. Understandable how someone could see it being rather overused though, perhaps I'll upload more varied songs here every now and then.

As for the 1st song, I should probably taper down that sound some. Mastered this one myself, and I usually don't do that.

Anomaly, that one is my least favorite. I enjoyed the classical transitions it had. But in retrospect I should have removed that one, made something else.

I'll be sure to use your comments to create a re-mastered version for later use elsewhere.