Original Post
Technical Riddles

Hello there! This little event is made to test your knowledge of technical side of toribash and PC in general, and maybe to make you learn something new in the process.

Each week we are going to post a new technical riddle for you to solve. It can be anything as long as it's related to the game and/or forum. Your goal is tposolve the mystery, sometimes explain why this certain thing doesn't work or works differently than expected. For doing that you will get a small prize depending on how hard the riddle was. You're allowed to ask questions and get answers, but answers will come from a point of person who doesn't know what the problem is. If the riddle doesnt get solved within a week, it goes into unrevealed riddle archive. You can still solve those later for a slightly lower prize.

[SOLVED by Kyle]


[SOLVED by Aiden]


[SOLVED by lethargicKid]




[SOLVED by Jack]


[SOLVED by Kore]

[SOLVED by Icky]





The line is dead.

Art by Tomiiiwhaw
Last edited by AssassinPro; Mar 17, 2017 at 01:10 AM.
Always on at opposite times
"People never grow up, they just learn how to act in public."—Bryan White
I've been unable to put up riddles fast enough and I've also been kinda ill for the last few days.

Unstead of me struggling to entertain you, lets make a twist!
For the next three weeks YOU guys will be submitting your toribash related riddles and I will try to solve them. And if I don't solve your riddle (while its actually solvable) until Christmas, you will get a neat prize (probably a fancy joint and 2 Shiai).

How does that sound?
Last edited by AssassinPro; Nov 24, 2016 at 06:48 PM.
I love it, I've got a few riddles that I've been dying to post!
Oh shit it's some profound text.
Originally Posted by Nerfpls View Post
calculation + pro = finesse

riddle answer is "I give 500k to NERFPLS"

Not too bad
Assuming has to do with Diamonds

I'd prefer if the answer was clear when I find it, I don't wanna be guessing.
First 2182 , second 2053
Indonesian? | Magical Mode!
Chronoptic energy bursts from one plane to the other, evaporating anything it touches.

You riddle sir!: aadawdSdasdasdasddasikaulfnlafbkajfbiyofngVAIlkfasflisdgfjkdsgbsjhbdsjbfbkhgdhfgjhfdlnkhhhhhgekhgkjhgjdsfgsdfhjw "I am old and unbroken" You must find your first clue before you can retrieve your answer!
Oh shit it's some profound text.