Original Post
Organic Cucumber (FDA Approved, not genetically modified (we (we being me) promise!))
Good afternoon everyone,

I, Creati0n, Toribash Market Squad Lead Admin & ToriShop Administrator, unofficial Verified TC Seller, former Super Moderator, Gamemaster and Market Squad (in a separate instances somewhere in 2014 - 2015) member, present to you the FDA Approved, not genetically modified whatsoever, Organic Cucumber.

And I, Creati0n, Toribash Market Squad Lead Admin & ToriShop Administrator, unofficial Verified TC Seller, former Super Moderator, Gamemaster and Market Squad (in a separate instances somewhere in 2014 - 2015) member, am going to be auctioning this FDA Approved, not genetically modified whatsoever, Organic Cucumber for the intended purpose of spreading Mad Cucumber Disease throughout the Tori-Populace good vibes!!!!!!


here's what you're buying:

here's the auction information:
  • Starting Bid: 150,000tc
  • Minimum Raise: 1,000tc
  • Autobuy: 2,500,000tc
  • Auction End Date: June 11th, 6:00AM (GMT +/- 0)

happy bidding and all that shit
(jesus fucking christ this was awful to make)