Original Post
Discuss anything you want to here-your life, interests, anything I'm not sure if we already had one of these threads so I made one Let's have fun!
The ToriNews Organization HELP REBUILD UNCE!!!
What games other than ToriBash do you guys like to play? Mine's SSBB (Super Smash Bros. Brawl) I also like Halo and Destroy All Humans ; well, I play almost every kind of game with impunity unless they REALLY suck.
The ToriNews Organization HELP REBUILD UNCE!!!
There's a general discussions thread already...

But oh well x]

I play smash bros melee (don't have a wii) cuz it's the best game ever
[A L P H A]
I like the new characters and stuff but I hate the levels and the new items and that final smash thing really annoys me

Luigi and jigglypuff in melee was epic win x]
[A L P H A]