Tyhazel App
In game Name Ty hazel I was born 2001 January. Location California U.S. Gmt:i don't know. Primary Language : English. Secondary language : have none. Belt:4th Dan Alternate Account : Cork TB Preferred Mod: xSparx parkour Previous Clans : Rae Darkness Move Why Do You Want To Join : because its a unique clan wit good players 2 Replays:
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File Type: rpl trick.rpl (625.8 KB, 0 views)
File Type: rpl ko robot rip.rpl (442.0 KB, 0 views)
Tyhazel App
In game Name Ty hazel I was born 2001 January. Location California U.S. Gmt:i don't know. Primary Language : English. Secondary language : have none. Belt:4th Dan Alternate Account : Cork TB Preferred Mod: xSparx parkour Previous Clans : Rae Darkness Move Why Do You Want To Join : because its a unique clan wit good players 2 Replays:
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Last edited by tyhazel; Oct 18, 2014 at 09:51 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
So, I'm a black belt, my name is Frankie, born June 10th 2001, I'm 13, rank 273354, favorite mods being aikido, taekkyon, wushu, mush, ninjutsu, and sometimes judofrac. Previous Clans: Nitro, Steel, and I don't recall the other one's name.
Why I want to join: I want to join because I'm forum active, and ingame active, and it seems most of your members are aswell, which would be perfect for me. I live in North Carolina. GMT is -5 I think
Primary Language: English
Secondary Language: None but I can get a translator script
No alternate account at the moment.
Last edited by Frankie518; Nov 6, 2014 at 12:30 AM.
Originally Posted by cadbury69 View Post
hi frankie its a yes for me waiting more approval

Okay, thanks, I guess I'll just lurk in the forums and keep on betting, like usual