ES Recruitment Drive
im not sure if there is one but a jousting with instagib feet or if not instagib feet only gold people.
[2:39pm]culapou>i've killed over 500 people without stabbing them I can kill people with my bear hands if they ever try messing with me
These are not environment mods. This is... I don't know what people call 'em but
i call 'em "People mods".
I hope you see the logic in my words for it.

i only makes stuff for 'em, not of 'em.
I have a nice little idea... Tori is sitting in a huge wreckingball machine thing, and uke is standing next to a wall made of bricks!. . .
____________________________ O---|
.______________the machine! -> ||...O
.____________________________AA....i |
.____________________________uke-^ ^wall
And tori sits on the top, you can make it a simple chair if you want to... but if tori pulls like a level thingie, the wrecking ball will chrush uke and the brick wall uke-^ ^wallwall
The dots in the "drawing" is NOT a part of the machine...
Last edited by Denna93; Jul 29, 2008 at 02:43 PM.
I'm really sorry but i can't seem to get it...

-Crazylars<---------is a dumb waffle

Could anyone explain it better/try to make me understand(The last is probably the hardest)

and if its gonna be a 3.3 mod please try to come up with something easier...still new at
I think it's pretty much impossible to build such a contraption and still have enough parts left for a brick wall.
Insofar as it's possible to build the wrecking ball machine at all.
Well, maybe with some sort of latch or something... But it'd be a bitch to control.
I'm back, I think... :)
Mod Pack
I had the following idea: Uke is standing in front of a wall...
and you are sitting on a rocket-like-thingy and have a big spear...oh the rocket moves,k.
___i_ ( imgine the spear) Uke
____.\ <--thingy..................i|
Hmz... A Tori E. Coyote Style rocket sled would be nice...
You probably know the one. If not, it's probably on youtube...
I'm back, I think... :)
Mod Pack
Originally Posted by Skazz View Post
Hmz... A Tori E. Coyote Style rocket sled would be nice...
You probably know the one. If not, it's probably on youtube...

=O nice idea...