Last time I won one of these I got a gaia lax
yeah thanks

But seriously, I'm not saying make the prizes better, I'm just saying that there should be two tiers of prizes, 1st place and 2nd place, to make sure that 1st place doesn't get anything too shitty
Agreed on two before this and the one above me.

It would work, they could put it in. I think that they like how they do their jobs and I do not believe they'd change it. If it happened, that would be very great because both are very good ideas.
Ninjutsu Club.
Ninjutsu Club Leader.

Retired, at least for now.
Since common complaints on some of the previous posts include unappealing prizes and lots of time sitting in line, you could fight these two problems by asking out some questions with small TC prizes in regular intervals of time.

The content on the questions asked could range from: forum/in-game rules (neat benefits for the whole community if those were more generally known, specially considering a decent part of the in-game community isn't familiar with the forum or with rules in general); Toribash History, like culapou's trivia used to be (it could make people look through the forum for the answers, making them both more used to use it and more attached to the game/community because of the more in-depth knowledge they would have about it); or even common topics like basic science and whatnot (14 year olds learning real-life-relevant stuff is always yaaaaaay because educated people are cool?:D?).

People also seem to be complaining about grumpy hosters. If you're grumpy, don't host. If that leads to less tourneys being hosted, recruit more people, enough people to cover for each other's grumpy-ness.
For those saying that GMs have lives and they have the right to be grumpy: yes, they can be grumpy all they want, but that's not an excuse for them to provide bad tourneys, that's a reason for them to not host tourneys. If you're grumpy, don't host.

Lastly, I do agree that the tournament actual prizes aren't very appealing, but for the prizes to get better you'd have to cut down alot on the 500-tc tournaments and such, to maintain the ratio of generated items+TC per unit of time and not sink the economy further. I'm actually in favor of this, but I don't have any in-depth knowledge on the auto-tourneys overall impact.

----End of GM-directed part of the post----

For everyone asking why the GM's can't generate cool items for every tourney:
-With more frequent good prizes, said good prizes become more common among people.
-When something becomes more common, it has less value. Imagine a trading card/baseball sticker, or anything collectible of that sort. If all the kids have that card/sticker, it becomes less cool, and you would give less valuable cards/whatever in trade for it.
-This would eventually lead to TC being less valuable (you need to think about it with the logic I used in the example above: "people have tons of it so it is less valuable)
-If TC becomes less valuable you wouldn't buy it on the official shop, because why buy 10000 for 10$ (or whatever rating is used now) if you can just win a tourney and get a 15k prize? Note: If the shop sold more toricredits for the same amount of money, items would get too easy to buy and people would have less need to buy toricredits. If you'd raise the items prices proportionally to increase of TC per $ sold on the torishop, you'd have constant rises on the item prices, which is pisses people off.
-If hampa doesn't get any money, he has to spend time trying to get money in other ways and forget about Toribash, and that'd pretty much be the end of the game as we know it now.

tl;dr for this last part: awesome prizes would ruin the economy and hampa wouldn't make enough money and big sad face for the game's future.
We're still kids in buses longing to be free.
Originally Posted by Oblivion View Post
Since common complaints on some of the previous posts include unappealing prizes and lots of time sitting in line, you could fight these two problems by asking out some questions with small TC prizes in regular intervals of time.

The content on the questions asked could range from: forum/in-game rules (neat benefits for the whole community if those were more generally known, specially considering a decent part of the in-game community isn't familiar with the forum or with rules in general); Toribash History, like culapou's trivia used to be (it could make people look through the forum for the answers, making them both more used to use it and more attached to the game/community because of the more in-depth knowledge they would have about it); or even common topics like basic science and whatnot (14 year olds learning real-life-relevant stuff is always yaaaaaay because educated people are cool??).

People also seem to be complaining about grumpy hosters. If you're grumpy, don't host. If that leads to less tourneys being hosted, recruit more people, enough people to cover for each other's grumpy-ness.
For those saying that GMs have lives and they have the right to be grumpy: yes, they can be grumpy all they want, but that's not an excuse for them to provide bad tourneys, that's a reason for them to not host tourneys. If you're grumpy, don't host.

Lastly, I do agree that the tournament actual prizes aren't very appealing, but for the prizes to get better you'd have to cut down alot on the 500-tc tournaments and such, to maintain the ratio of generated items+TC per unit of time and not sink the economy further. I'm actually in favor of this, but I don't have any in-depth knowledge on the auto-tourneys overall impact.

----End of GM-directed part of the post----

For everyone asking why the GM's can't generate cool items for every tourney:
-With more frequent good prizes, said good prizes become more common among people.
-When something becomes more common, it has less value. Imagine a trading card/baseball sticker, or anything collectible of that sort. If all the kids have that card/sticker, it becomes less cool, and you would give less valuable cards/whatever in trade for it.
-This would eventually lead to TC being less valuable (you need to think about it with the logic I used in the example above: "people have tons of it so it is less valuable)
-If TC becomes less valuable you wouldn't buy it on the official shop, because why buy 10000 for 10$ (or whatever rating is used now) if you can just win a tourney and get a 15k prize? Note: If the shop sold more toricredits for the same amount of money, items would get too easy to buy and people would have less need to buy toricredits. If you'd raise the items prices proportionally to increase of TC per $ sold on the torishop, you'd have constant rises on the item prices, which is pisses people off.
-If hampa doesn't get any money, he has to spend time trying to get money in other ways and forget about Toribash, and that'd pretty much be the end of the game as we know it now.

tl;dr for this last part: awesome prizes would ruin the economy and hampa wouldn't make enough money and big sad face for the game's future.

Thank you for clearing everything up. I was too lazy to say it like that.
Ninjutsu Club.
Ninjutsu Club Leader.

Retired, at least for now.
they're boring when the people in them are boring.
the mods are fine, not too many stupid mods and not too many skilled mods
"and I have tons of friends" Deakster/Dickmaniac/Deak
Originally Posted by oofun4 View Post
About the prizes , it's like most the time for me I get cheap items 2-7K items , and sometimes GMes tells us there is no relaxes or forces in the MagicalSack .... Really? Then why don't you create a very own Generator for this job .

Spread the wealth, not create it. Personally, I used my own TC as prizes. Some people don't like doing that, and they aren't to be blamed.
Originally Posted by PiePwn View Post
They do not pick the prizes, it is random,

Are you seriously still under that impression?
Originally Posted by zapekk View Post
I meant by making prize like 15k+ worth.

That's simply absurd.
Last edited by box; Dec 14, 2012 at 10:23 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
[23:23:53] <AndChat|700625> Blue eyes ultimate dragon best card
[23:24:29] <AndChat|700625> You know the one with 3 heads
[23:24:39] <~Lightningkid> just like my dick

[11:35:40] <box> Hampa suck
[11:36:21] <hampa> not the first to tell me that today
Originally Posted by Uric View Post
Hey guys, been getting some messages that people find GMTournies boring. Would like to know your ideas on how to spice things up and why you think they are.
Without your input, we cannot improve.


well, my problem with these tournaments is, that u usually lose because anyone with a greatly high belt just owns them all. ill got a pretty high belt too. but against some players normal people just have no chance.
i would like tournaments for lower and higher belts....
like white-black, 2nd dan -6th dan and 7th dan - god... something like that. so people fight their lvl... (jea its easy to make an alt and go to a low tournament with it...) but that would be an idea.

also i never ever join tournaments with "random items" as prize. because i know already it is crap. and its not even worth it to go into this tournament. if there will be tournament like :"1st price gold force 2nd price cobra relax" i would definatley join, becuase i know there is something from worth to get. (also atleast something that says "1st price random force 2nd price random relax" something like that would be also cool. because for some people forces and relaxes are more important becuase they already have full texture etc.etc.)

also a monthly HIGH tc tournament would be cool, i mean with it 1 tournament where u can get prizes like 100k/50k/25k so the people really really give their best to win it! (this maybe in a more or less known mod but not well known, something like betabox(if its called so. the 20 turnframes taekkyon)) but you need to qualify for it. every 1st (and, or) 2nd (depends on how much torunaments was that month) can participate. (if 1 guy wins 2 tournaments, 2nd and 3rd will receive the qualification...)

just some thinks from me, nothing special but personally stuff which would make tournaments more attractive.. for me..

actually the only thing i like at these tournaments are the people, its nice to talk with them and this stuff o/
Last edited by Unicorn; Dec 15, 2012 at 12:48 AM.
Parrot | Tabby | Nike | [Midnight] | Foxy | Deridor | Joel

Helping admins since 2013 (Can't ya'll leave this alone?)
Reta's Bitch, Property of Kriegery, Bribed by Bird, Tinerr 4 President.
Awaken, awaken, awaken, awaken. Take the land, that must be taken. Awaken, awaken, awaken, awaken. Devour worlds, smite forsaken
It's entirely about the GM and other people for me. Some GM's are great and attract really cool people, and some are quite boring IMO.
Most GMTourneys i've been in have been quite fun though, i find the people in the tournies more fun than the actual gameplay.
Mixing up some unknown mods that still have the touch of the common mods would probably boost things up for some people.
Last edited by Jodarok; Dec 15, 2012 at 01:05 AM.
It's All About Expansion
Shouldn't there be GMes that are having fun doing Fournier and stuff instead of dying while doing it?
Poop poop poop shit shit piss pussy pear-shaped person peice of shit