what you mean?

go to deactivated on inventory (first you must go to shop)

then click activate if you want put something on your tori

and if you want upload texturex go to "textures" on inventory and then upload it

V i think you`re right. sorry then. my bad; /
Last edited by Sorriso; Aug 1, 2010 at 06:24 PM.
I believe, ferrock is referring to the set item used to pack other items, it was a bit counter intuitive to me as well. You can rename the sets, example...
Set: fuzzy dice [Activate] [Edit] [Preview]
Click on "set:" to see contents.
To add/remove items go to top of inventory select desired action, check desired items...then submit.
Last edited by 1handclap; Aug 1, 2010 at 06:20 PM. Reason: clarity