Original Post
Ranking Rewards
Ranks where reset today and here are some updates.

Ranking rewards:
#1 globally ranked player at 23.30 CET will receive 2000 TC * day of the month.

5th of August the reward is 10,000 TC (2,000 TC * 5).
31 of August the reward is 62,000 TC (2,000 TC * 31).

Total amount of TC payed out in August will be 992,000.

Tournament1 to Tournament15 are ranked servers with various mods.

Ranked Black belt servers:
/join ranked2 - Judofrac
/join ranked3 - Lenshu3ng
/join ranked4 - ABD
/join ranked5 - ErthTK
/join ranked6 - Greykido

The GMs and admins will and can experiment with the server setup during the month.

A handy ingame command that list the current top ranked players and their ELO:
/ranking global

View global ranking on the forum:

[Progress 4th Aug]
jack9918 and Zalf have both been on top for the first 4 days.

Zalf has played 116 games as #1
jack9918 has played 141 games as #1

We are keeping track for Elo ranges for future restrictions.
| EloRange | Players |
| 1570-1580 | 3 |
| 1580-1590 | 50 |
| 1590-1600 | 2190 |
| 1600-1610 | 889 |
| 1610-1620 | 54 |
| 1620-1630 | 20 |
| 1630-1640 | 16 |
| 1640-1650 | 8 |
| 1650-1660 | 1 |
| 1660-1670 | 1 |
| 1670+ | 2 |
Last edited by hampa; Aug 4, 2015 at 02:29 PM.
Originally Posted by Scorpio View Post
judofrac is not that fast really, but we will get some list of mods to work with and as it was stated it's going to be expanded.

1st day of a month is 2k, 2nd is 4k etc. up to the 31st with amazing amount of 64k.

you can jump to first place on 15th day only and get 30k right of the bat.

yeah judofrac is much better! i just hope nothing will be rigid..keep listening to the well-founded complaints.
Your messed up world enthrills me
Can we then have 1 server of each offical mods since alot of peoble are probably gonna be on the same servers and you have to wait in the quene for a long time
Originally Posted by Hisoka View Post
I'd suggest to remove judo.tbm from ranked tourney,it's just an easy mass farm,go for judofrac instead...

It is judofrac.tbm now
I have to say I liked the tournament of top players idea better. This feels very uninclusive for 99% of people.
It could be better to just make some instant rewards for reaching top5/10/100 etc.
For now you have probably no chance of winning if you're not very experienced player AND cant spend 12 hours playing tb every day.
Originally Posted by cowmeat View Post
I have to say I liked the tournament of top players idea better. This feels very uninclusive for 99% of people.

There will be both.