Not trying to backseat-mod for the GMs or anything, but I feel this needs to be said (and if it already has been said, I apologize).

You should be participating in GMtourneys to have fun. Many things can factor into "fun"; such as mod, hoster, friends, and so on, but prizes aren't a part of that. If you're looking for good items/tc prizes, you might as well do something else. I mean obviously, (speaking about myself when I was a Game Master), if you play a long lasting mod that requires skill, I would give you a half-way decent random prize. But if it was some luck-based, quick mod where there is little to no skill involved, you can expect to get a prize not so great.

I know this was a bit off topic, but it's something people tend to complain about in GMtourneys.

As for suggestions and my opinion.
1: I'd suggest laying off the "too random" mods. Mods where most of the people clearly don't know what to do or have ever played it before. Having mods people haven't played before isn't really a bad thing, but explain to them similarities of other mods it is like.

2: I don't know if this is a problem now, but it was a while ago when I was a GM. GMs; don't act like a smartass when hosting because you think you're entitled to respect. Don't go A-Wall when someone breaks a rule, Chill out and tell them to try not to do it again. Insta-muting/banning the guy and being a general dick in the room ruins the vibe in the tournament.

As for my opinion of the GMs, I think that they are good at what they do and they host fun things. Some people just need an attitude adjustment that would really make a difference when hosting.

I know this isn't really helpful in the sense of "spicing up" but I think these changes would indirectly do that, also by doing this, it would make rooms more enjoyable to be in.

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم

I hardly see any that are worth going to anymore.

I got an ecto grip for getting second.

The items they give out are basically a waste of time.

They also should play more mods that actually require skill instead of just things like urban skii or acro joust.
I attended tournies by almost all gms and I concluded:

1) In most gm tourneys, I saw strictness of rules as if there was some kind of prayer going on. If you could release the grip off the rules and be slightly tolerant then the participants will feel less oppressed. Sometimes, the hosting gm is more annoying than the rule breaking guy he is warning/punishing.

2) Prizes. This is reasonable because the magicalsack has it's up and down times. However, not all players understand that, they are self-caring and cannot live with small prizes. If you cannot increase prizes then at least remove random prizes. The participants will know which item they are playing for. I used to host in past and I could see how annoying it was to get a chronos timer after thirty minutes of labour.

3) Interaction. I am just putting it out - some gms just suck at it. Being funny, friendly, entertaining and trying silly things with mods sometimes is what I would call a gm with a good personality. Some gms are too informal and act as if they are just ingame police and rule enforcers. My suggest to them is to lighten up a little, be chill and act less serious during tournies.

Overall you guys are doing decent and I hope you try to improve yourselves in the aspects I stated above.
I personally think they are boring. I stopped playing them after the 2009-2010 ones ran out.
All you guys usually do now are the boringest mods ever, Aikido and a few other mainstream mods.
It used to be, katana.tbm, and some fun ones that you didn't need any skill at all to play, and a wide variety of people could win it, instead of having to go against some of the better people who play aikido.

I don't think you should have a extremely high prize for the fun mods you play, but it'd be fairer and more fun if you went back to having fun mods to play.
Like, Miska used to put on "poledancing.tbm" for a tourney quite often, and "Pillowfight.tbm", which I have to say, were some of the funnest tourneys ever.
That's the point.
[23:23:53] <AndChat|700625> Blue eyes ultimate dragon best card
[23:24:29] <AndChat|700625> You know the one with 3 heads
[23:24:39] <~Lightningkid> just like my dick

[11:35:40] <box> Hampa suck
[11:36:21] <hampa> not the first to tell me that today
As always, prizesaretooshitty faggotry. Eh.
Prizes won't get better, it'd ruin the economy once again - that's what tc tourneys back then did. Nevertheless, I usually give out decent item prizes, worth up to 10k for 'seriousmod' tourneys and 5k for 'funmod' ones - you can't really expect more for katanajoust or shovelfighters.

As for the mood of tourneys, it depends on players - if they don't want to talk and interact, I can't really help it.
Rules: I don't feel I'm too strict, warn/mute/kickban method usually works pretty well - I don't bother with warning OMGLOLOLOLFAGSHITNIG guys, tho - that's no use, there goes instamute.

Speaking 'bout rules and so on - 90% of players don't pay attention to introduction in which I cover everything, from prizes to pingtimeouts. So yes, I will call you an idiot if I answered the question about 'omg powas I pinged, what do' or 'plz i pinged put back plz' several times and you still don't get it (note: it is usually '/whisper me with your former position' rule).

Another thing, you are really impatient and usually follow following logic - 'if GM doesn't reply to my questions I must spam him/chat with same question 30 times more'.
If I don't respond right away it usually means I'm dealing with /whispers - I know how to extend chatlines and pageup, your question won't be ignored.