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(HoMA) Heyday of Martial Arts
Heyday of Martial Arts







Join the Legend!
Last edited by AproxyZ; Jul 18, 2016 at 01:06 AM.
Hey, your clan is missing some required stuff . Please edit your first post following theClan rules And Guidelines. You have 7 days to do it.

Originally Posted by Gynx
Part 1: Creating the thread:

To create an unofficial clan you must create a thread in Clan Discussion. The title must be formatted as follows: (Clan Tag) Clan Name. Try to keep your tag short and keep in mind that if an official clan already has your name or your tag you'll be asked to change it. Every clan's first post must be fully complete within 7 days. A complete first post has:

A clan story or description.
Aims, goals, and inner-clan guidelines
If you have a clan bank you must state all users that have access to the account and also state who can access the account as well as the account's name. If you don't have a bank then you may ignore this rule.

Any other parts of your post are optional, but keep in mind that how you present yourself will affect how you are judged. Good clan DSCs do more than just the minimum and present the clan in a clear and concise fashion.

Bonjour, ton clan ne contient pas plusieurs éléments nécessaires à la création et le développement du clan. Référez vous au Clan rules And Guidelines. Vous avez 7 jours pour éditer votre premier post avant la fermeture de votre clan .
Was zurük bleibt ist erinnerung
HO LES GARS ! 2 fois o me test et 2 fois on me vire SERIEU.
allors marre qu'on me traite comme un naze . TESTEZ MOI TOUS
Blobus1234, les raisons de ton exclusion sont tout à fait légitimes, il faut aussi bien faire attention à son comportement qu'à son niveau de jeu. Si tu ne comprends pas cela, il ne te sers à rien de venir te plaindre.

Last edited by GrosNoob00; May 20, 2016 at 11:37 PM.
I want to join
I was invited to this clan by EpicHorse101, but I declined the invitation because I was waiting for an answer to join another clan. I like to parkour and I am searching for clans that love parkouring and sparing, so I thought this was a great opportunity to join a clan. I would appreciate it if you accepted me into this clan. I am a black belt who isnt skilled at the basic mods (Aikido, wushu, mushu, etc.).


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