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Toribash texture app
Why not just make this into an app, already works on the site using a mobile device, all it needs are better touchscreen controls.
I don't exist
to be honest this sounds like a good idea but i mean who would even use the app all the time its better off staying on website rather than making a whole app decicated to it
fuck 12, free all my shootaz
I do use the forums through mobile a lot, I'm sure many do as well.
I don't exist
well yeah but i mean they probably wont use up their time making an app for it though i can see why it would be a good idea but i dont see it going through tbh
fuck 12, free all my shootaz
I guess that's why it's called a suggestion board.
I don't exist
I think this has been requested a few times before and it has pretty much come down to... while it is cool, no one actually has been willing to dedicate time to making it.
I think I might be retired.
I mean, you can just make a mobile version site.
I don't exist
yeah but whats the point if no-ones going to spend time on it but i mean you are right may poeple do use shit onmobile for this game so what can i say
fuck 12, free all my shootaz
Originally Posted by Blair View Post
I mean, you can just make a mobile version site.

apply as webdev and make it.

while there are people who ask for it, it simply isn't of high importance.
the community isn't large enough to justify the time spent on those sort of features compared to other things that may be more important.

ontop, isn't toribashtexture also a community made thing? afaik its not "officially" supported (it has its own working bb codes for the forums, but if you hit up the right people with something like that they can implement those for you)

im pretty sure, everyone would support a mobile port of the forums etc. but someone has to make it.
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if you said it works for mobile already, i dont see the point in investing the time to make an app out of it