Original Post
Kindle Tournament
Hello Everyone!
Today I am bringing you a wonderful Kindle tournament.
The Rules are: Have fun. Be creative. Be skillful. One Replay per person.

To enter this friendly competition, you send 3,000 toricredits to a bank called Nerokimo. This tournament is to see who can create the best fighting replay. The mods to choose from are aikido.tbm judo.tbm hopkido.tbm xspar.tbm aikdobiggerdojo.tbm and my favorite mod, ninjitsu.tbm

Prizes are 1st: 20k 2nd: 10k 3rd: Radioactive Blood

Deadline for entry: February 25th. Deadline for replays: March 3rd/3/1/14

Have Fun!!!

Originally Posted by Solax
3. You may charge entrance fees for events but 100% of the entrance fees must go towards the prize. No profiting off events.

I'm gonna go ahead and close this thread, PM me once you've fixed up the event and still want to host it, thanks.