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ajuda urgente urgent help
eu tava jogando toribash ae tentei entrar no torneio de boxshu ai deu um tal de socket wsa error 10061 a eu achei normal mas nao foi normal eu tentei entra nos outros torneio toda hora dava esse erro tinha algums serves q eu conseguia entra mas outros nao alguem me ajudar, que eu fasso . me ajudem por favor.

I was playing toribash and I tried to enter the boxshu tournament, I gave him such a socket wsa error 10061 I found it normal but it was not normal I tried to enter the other tournament every time I gave this error I had some service that I could enter but others not someone Help me, what do I do . help me please.
Originally Posted by Butler View Post
Some servers are experiencing issues as well as the IRC.
Problem is unknown but it is suspected to be a DDoS.

Yes, it's not a problem your side
<Icky> Butler is the worst es
<Reta> can I fire him yet ?