Original Post
Physics Moding
What would happen if I changed some values in the physics.phy files? Would it be possible to have super powerful attacks, or super low gravity? Thanks in advance.

-Capt. Z
Re: Physics Moding
Simple, CaptZeroth!
By default Toribash does not use the physics files, but it IS turned on so you CAN use them if you wish.
To use a physics file, open up command prompt (start > run > cmd) and type:

cd "<path to toribash.exe>"
what I would do is:
cd "C:\Documents and Settings\God\Desktop\Toribash"
then just type
toribash.exe physics/newton.phy
It should work! Something fun you can do is change the gravity of your player, this is a simple modification:
Find and replace:
world.gravity  -9.87
world.gravity  -60
Have fun, and remember to post your replays! However please state that you used a physics mod.
Oh and before I forget, if you do make an awesome mod - I would like to try it out!
don't unban, he has hard coded userid bypasses everywhere.
Re: Physics Moding
I seem to be having trouble doing this. The first time I did it, it worked (had fun). Then I edited the newton.phy file again, and I only get this far:

I edit newton.phy to my prefrences. I save it.

I run Command Prompt on a Windows XP Home.

Then: cd "CProgram Files\toribash" [ENTER]

Then: toribash.exe physics/newton.phy [ENTER]

A popup then reports: "CProgram Files\toribash.exe" is not a valid Win32 application. Any help?

[Edit] Now I can't even open toribash normaly. I'm going to re-instal it again and see what happens.

[Edit] I re-installed toribash, and its working fine, but I've decided not to attempt to physics mod until I get a reply telling me whats going on.

Re: Physics Moding
Try copy newton.phy and rename it to capt.phy, then when you open toribash from command prompt do:

toribash.exe physics/capt.phy
And see what happens. I've never had the problem you've had - so it may be something else.
Try that. I doubt anything bad will happen.
don't unban, he has hard coded userid bypasses everywhere.
Re: Physics Moding
A popup then reports: "CProgram Files\toribash.exe" is not a valid Win32 application. Any help?

this might just be a typo but shouldnt your path read "cprogram files\toribash\toribash.exe"?
Re: Physics Moding
okay, now its opening with a new copied file called "captzeroth's mod.phy", but I'm not getting any odd results. maybey some one can suply a mod and demo for me? thanks.
Re: Physics Moding
try name it mod.phy (and if that does not work, then Hampa has disabled it for 1.94)
don't unban, he has hard coded userid bypasses everywhere.