Original Post
Guide to auto buying.
Ok I will make you a short guide. Here is out it is done in an example:

Ok lets say there are 4 people:

Player a
Player b
player c
player d

Here is the senario:

Player a has an auction going for lets say item a.

In the shop it is being sold for 5k.

He would like to get the very least, 5k out of it.
He sets up an auction for it like this:

Item for sale: Item a
Starting price:5k
Minimum increase: [What ever you want]
[this is were auto bid goes, look below]
Auction ends in 1 week

Were I posted the look below part is were the auto bid would go.

lets say that his goal is to get 10k out of the item. The auto bid will there for be 5k. So, the auction will look like this below:

Item for sale: Item a
Starting price:5k
Minimum increase: [What ever you want]
Auto buy: 10k
Auction ends in 1 week

Here is how it happens:

Now Player a has his auction up. Player b comes along and goes, "Ok I would like to have that" and says he will buy for 6k.

Player c comes along and goes, I want it also, and he bids 7k.

Now here is were Player d and auto buy comes in:

Player d wants this really bad, and right now. He doesn't want to wait. He also doesn't want to take the chance of lossing it so he says, I will buy it for the auto bid. He sends Player a the auto buy price (10k) and Player a sends item a to Player d.

Player d gets it faster, doesn't take a chance of losing it, and Player a gets his goal price.

Hope this helps you.
Last edited by Patrick_Unrated; Dec 17, 2007 at 03:07 AM.
ponies <3 ..-
Sorry for all typos.

"In the end, it is always good,
If it is not good now,
It is not the end."

Quote by-Unkown

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