Original Post
[Tao] Tactical Aikido Organization

TAO or The Tactical Aikido Organization is a aikido/greykido organization
that focuses on strict tactile playstyles that are mostly "takedown" oriented
take into mind Team Aikido and Us are not affiliated and are nothing alike

Why do we exist? We exist to push the limits of aikido and greykido
making the mod/mode more difficult, faster, and overall more fun to play
we essentially add a challenge to the popular "competitive" mod, so that players
can play in a unique aikido and greykido experience, that is why we're here

We play on what as known as "Tiers" and "Subtiers", each tier of TAO has it's
own overall "playstyle" guidelines, as each Subtier has it's own gamerules
These guidelines and gamerules must be met during tests to proceed to a higher tier. If you fail to keep
to the guidelines and/or gamerules you will have either failed entry to TAO (if you're being tested for entry)
or if your being tested for a higher tier (taking a tier test, to test your skill)

How To Join
Post An Application In The Format Below
Following Tier 1 & Bronze guidelines, if you succeed in keeping to the rules
and we like your replays and your overall personality, you will be added

Application Guidelines
Name: (Irl Or Ingame)
How long have you been playing aikido:
Why exactly do you want to join us:
Replays Following Subtier Guidelines: (Max of 4)

Last edited by hanna; Mar 28, 2018 at 01:29 AM.
Just because you say that dosent make this not very similar to TA lol
Selling/buying tc or items? PM Flow!