Original Post
More Concept art... But better this time!


The story for this painting is that a demon knight was killed and his skeleton was corrupted and taken over by these vines.

So with this painting(above), all I was trying to do was improve on my lighting, shading, and damaged armor from my last painting(below)

see here

Anyways id appreciates any constructive criticism or ideas.

programs used: photoshop
Last edited by KDigityDog; Jul 30, 2019 at 12:29 AM.
|Jacklox2| |Frost| |MrBeany| |Nugget| |Sheetboy| xFIRExGAME |
Shading looks a bit flat on the skull and upper regions of the body armor. I say maybe flip it vertically / horizontally and see if anything stands out to you.

Concept art wise I have some comments regarding the story you're trying to sell, and how it's expressed through your painting. Don't want to harp on that though if your main focus was shading.
Really cool concepts and the execution is great, kinda feel the shadings a little inconsistent with the light sources and I feel the flame on the second piece should have a bright glow reflected onto the character but still super high-level stuff waiting to see more in the future
l l Fuck Aurarian l l

New version

So I agree the head was a bit flat and I didn't like that so I changed that a bit to try and sell the shape a bit more. Also, I added a few filters to give it a smidge of color.

Originally Posted by GoodBox View Post
Shading looks a bit flat on the skull and upper regions of the body armor. I say maybe flip it vertically / horizontally and see if anything stands out to you.

TBH I almost like the horizontally flipped version of this painting more but I just like the characters looking to the views right.

Concept art wise I have some comments regarding the story you're trying to sell, and how it's expressed through your painting. Don't want to harp on that though if your main focus was shading.

Yeah the story is just what I had in my head as I was making it nothing special I'm sure somebody could come up with something a lot better lol

Originally Posted by Mummy View Post
Really cool concepts and the execution is great, kinda feel the shadings a little inconsistent with the light sources and I feel the flame on the second piece should have a bright glow reflected onto the character but still super high-level stuff waiting to see more in the future

Thank you. I also agree that the light and shadows are something I work on my next piece. I included the flame one to show my improvement(what I think at least) from one painting to the next and also how I applied the feedback from the last one.

Thank you for the responses.
Last edited by KDigityDog; Jul 28, 2019 at 11:44 PM.
|Jacklox2| |Frost| |MrBeany| |Nugget| |Sheetboy| xFIRExGAME |