Original Post
I'm Cr4zyBoy
OK..While I was searching on youtube for a Boxing Game, I found this. I just want to say that I'm good at making videos, not a pro at it...Also just want to say that I'm very new here..My name is Justin Miles, Born at August 12th, 1994...Live in El-Dorado, Arkansas. I hope I make new friends!!!

My MSN: [email protected]
My Yahoo: Don't have yet..

I hope I get to enjoy this place...

What is Wibbles?

What is Rapid Thread?
wibbles a forum for spam and any class of things that you cant post in other places, and rapid thread is for question about anything.
Wazzaaap XP
welcome to toribash
Rapid thread is where you get fast answers.
wibbles are spamspamspamspam.
But it has rules too so watch out.

Although I have been flung down in my efforts to delete the spam board, I still would like to make two requests, two "rules" of the new Wibbles.

1. No huge image spam or huge text spam posts. No one likes scrolling down through 10 pages of the same thing.

2. No insults based on race, gender, or sexual preference. Please be civil.

These are pretty much the only 2 things you can pick up an infraction for, so there are still no restrictions on the content of your posts otherwise.

Have funz!

wrote by hamster