Original Post
A question about Vitta
I don't know if I'm allowed to make this thread or if the placement of the thread is correct.

Ok so 4 months ago I loaned Vitta 45k or something like that. so it was probably november. Since then Vitta got to the Hospital because of kidney problems or some sort. So here I am waiting for news about him because I am concern about his general health.

I also don't care about the loan so I don't think I need to contact any msquad of scam
He has scammed multiple people already, but any scams he does are usually off the Toribash website, msquad can not do anything about it. I am more than 100% positive there is nothing wrong with him since he has lied to me before in order to profit. So you don't have to worry about that, but I think there is a small chance he will actually scam you since 45k is such a small amount. Hampa has even helped him profit by spawning him TC at ridiculous rates to boot lmao.

It's hard to believe he is a web developer I wonder if he's actually done anything other than manipulating the higher ups with talk.
Last edited by ikehax; Feb 29, 2016 at 02:09 AM.