ES Recruitment Drive
Original Post
(dooley) dooleysclan
Hi my name is dooley and this is my clan and its pretty cool.

clan story: After realizing that every clan is full of washed up has-beens, dooley decided to make a clan that will become the best clan ever to live. This clan would become the most legendary clan ever to exist and it's all run by dooley the god. dooley has no interest in trashcan players. you must be the cream of the crop the tip of the top the big of the bigs

clan's goals
[x]be the greatest clan alive
[]5 members
[]10 members
[x]eat my ass
[]win clan league
[]make a shit ton of bank
[]maybe become official
Last edited by dooleyd; Jul 19, 2018 at 05:18 PM.
i offer this clan and it's magnificent leader dooley my full support

bless dooleysclan and its ascent to the amazing heights it's destined to reach
the goblin