Original Post
[S][ShOp] >> Avvys and Sigs Request [ShOp] <<
Hey Guys welcome! Make your request here!


Don't make absurd request
Don't post spam
Send the tc first
Respect all rules of market!

Example Request Format:

Wath you want: Avvy
Size: 100x100
Details: I want my tori and my nick name
How much you pay: 2k

I'll do it in less than two days and post the result here with a watermark, if you like the results, send the combined tc and I send the art for PM

Sorry for my English...
< Ryks > "sobrevivendo apenas com um pedaço de leite, um copo de pão com queijo, e o seu celular na boca"
Since im the first one to post can i get mine for free? If not then make my avvy with my tori and my name, then if i like it then ill give you 2k
~#1 Shittiest Shitposter of TP 2016~
Ex Co-Leader of Origin