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(Cobra) Applications

In Game Name:
Why Should We Let You Join Cobra:
Tell Us About Yourself:
Forum Active 1-5:
In Game Active 1-5:
Specialty Mod:
If you're really looking to make a good application, make it free-form.
Last edited by Zoni; Nov 27, 2013 at 06:23 PM.
Name(Optional): Zach
In Game Name: Scanttante

Age: 11
Hobbies: My hobbies are playing baseball toribash and computer games so I am really active in game and sorta on forums
Belt: Black Belt
Rank: 26476
Why Should We Let You Join Cobra: I should be let in Cobra because I am really active really hard working and really know how to play toribash I can make good multiplayer replays and I have friends who can make art for Cobra (im learning how to make art) I am young but not annoying and not a kid who yells and screams.
Tell Us About Yourself: Im 11 I'm a good toribash player I can gain tc easyily from betting servers (I host them) I will sent 1k everyday and if I run out of tc I will gain more and pay more to the clan I'm dedicated to clans aswell and wanting to join a good join
Forum Active 1-5: 2
In Game Active 1-5: 5
Specialty Mod: My good mods are rk-maa Aikido mushu and ninjutsu
Name(Optional): n/a
In Game Name: Gbleel
Age: 17
Hobbies: Airsoft, Toribash, Eating, Playing Vidya Games
Belt: 5th dan black (on my other account Gbleek) or blue belt on Gbleel
Rank: 14k somethin
Why Should We Let You Join Cobra: I am Gbleel, and ever since I've been in Toribash I have wanted a clan that is the best. Cobra is the best, I am terrified of Zomfier and for that I think I should be able to join because I'll always be kissing Zomfier's ass and stuff. I can bring so much opportunity to the clan and stuff. I mean, like.. I'm awesome at the game guise, I won the gmtourney for obamavsmccainround1.tbm so I think that says a lot about my skill.
Tell Us About Yourself: I am the ultimate in toribash fighting.
Forum Active 1-5: 5, I don't post much but I can start
In Game Active 1-5: 5
Specialty Mod: Aikido / obamavsmccainround1

pls let me in
Originally Posted by Gbleel View Post
Name(Optional): n/a
In Game Name: Gbleel
Age: 17
Hobbies: Airsoft, Toribash, Eating, Playing Vidya Games
Belt: 5th dan black (on my other account Gbleek) or blue belt on Gbleel
Rank: 14k somethin
Why Should We Let You Join Cobra: I am Gbleel, and ever since I've been in Toribash I have wanted a clan that is the best. Cobra is the best, I am terrified of Zomfier and for that I think I should be able to join because I'll always be kissing Zomfier's ass and stuff. I can bring so much opportunity to the clan and stuff. I mean, like.. I'm awesome at the game guise, I won the gmtourney for obamavsmccainround1.tbm so I think that says a lot about my skill.
Tell Us About Yourself: I am the ultimate in toribash fighting.
Forum Active 1-5: 5, I don't post much but I can start
In Game Active 1-5: 5
Specialty Mod: Aikido / obamavsmccainround1

pls let me in
