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rainbow joints
hey guys I had an idea while watching whale porn, what if someone had a rainbow relax that changed color when you fight? butI wonder would that require a constant data flow for it to work. or it could have some of the same properties as a flame except it would be stable tell me.what you you think.

also sorry for the random periods.... my phone has aids soz
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Rainbow joint ehhh it would have to be expensive though since it is a joint texture but i like the idea

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Originally Posted by Ferras View Post
Sounds like a pretty good idea to me, although it'd probably not be used by people with sets.

Ah, but what if you made a set with a theme that could work with joints that change color every match?
Seems like a good idea, could open up a couple set/texture possibilities. Although I kind of doubt that many players would use it since the idea of sets that sort of mark out who they are appeal to many players.

Still, seems like fun.
I did read that he said every game, but he also suggested it for every turn as well as a possibility. IMO, yes it might work with some sets, but no because again it could be quite distracting if one turn your opponent has a pink force (so different to a demon force, lets say you are usin one), and then the next turn in your hug-fest of an aikido match they have the exact same force as you while you are taking pretty much abusing the maxcontacts feature.

I may have rambled a bit, but my decision is still 'not supported' I guess.
I'm a game developer for other games.
Ping me if you have a query or general question unrelated to this game.
Originally Posted by Abyss View Post
I did read that he said every game, but he also suggested it for every turn as well as a possibility. IMO, yes it might work with some sets, but no because again it could be quite distracting if one turn your opponent has a pink force (so different to a demon force, lets say you are usin one), and then the next turn in your hug-fest of an aikido match they have the exact same force as you while you are taking pretty much abusing the maxcontacts feature.

I may have rambled a bit, but my decision is still 'not supported' I guess.

It's next match, not next turn