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Toribash; What needs to be fixed.
I wanted to create this discussion thread, after a lot of reading about peoples opinions on how Toribash needs to be fixed. All of this is from what I have read and personal opinion, please do not attack me personally if you don't agree. I feel that making one thread for everyone to post their constructive criticism might catch better attention.

Advertisement. This game has very poor advertisement. As from what I have read, multiple readers believe that the revenue made from the game, from people buying items from the ToriShop with cash, is in no way whatsoever going towards advertisement. I believe this to be true, as I haven't seen a single advertisement for Toribash, literally anywhere. If at all possible, Hampa needs to pick up on advertisement, or whoever the Hell gets the revenue from this game.

More regular updates. No, I don't personally count adding more colorful shit to the game to be the best of updates. Some might agree, some might not. When the community asks for an update, they don't really mean "add a few colors and, like, a command".. We mean something actually knew. Something that would attract attention, possibly bring back older players at the word of "Toribash got this sick update and...". There have been a few game changing ideas I have seen in the Suggestion Thread, that seemed eligible for use.

Staff. In my personal opinion, this game needs more staff. The current staff do an excellent job, with what they have. The huddled up 5 of them in the corner, against all the scam reports, player reports, rigging reports, tournaments they get begged to host, etc. Very much respect to them, for we all know that it's time consuming. So I propose some more staff be added, taking the load off of all 7 or whatever ES we've got.

More new-user friendly. When a new player joins, they get this little tutorial on how to do a few moves in singleplayer. Fantastic, they can now extend their knee. Now what? They go into, for instance, a quick aikido server. Now Ezalor is literally buttfucking them with snap kicks and lifts, while they consistently extend and contract their knee, like the tutorial said. The beginning tutorial should, instead, thoroughly explain how all the joints work. Everything from ankles to neck. Throw scenarios at them after explaining a few joints that require them to save themselves using the joints they were just taught how work. Give them a stronger feel for the game. Then, give them a prompt or something asking "would you rather fight uke, or join fellow new comers in a public match?" And off that, throw them into SP or throw them into a random Beginner server. Just a random thought on the spot, but something like that would appeal to new players.

An engine overhall. Yes, the development team is small. Yes, it costs money, but YES, it can be done. From what I have read, again, the current engine is shit -snip-. Apparently, we can't have 2v2 matches because of the current engine. From what I know, Hampa is out partying with strippers with the money he's got off this game. If possible, reach out to him and say "the community you built is dying -snip-.. help?". With an engine overhall, from what I have read, would allow for a lot of possibilities. 4 players, more movement types, higher resolution textures, better optimized, etc.

The new ranking system. Now, this is controversial, as this entire thread is filled with controversial topics. I remember seeing moop mention how this ranking system was implemented way too soon, and then hampa relied on all the staff to fix it. I don't know if that was moop, but someone mentioned that. What I suggest is reverting to the old ranking system, finish developing this one, and switching it out again. I think this new one was a good idea but poorly implemented, as many agree. Now people like Ezalor can just farm Rank 1 from noobs and get the prize.

A less toxic community. I know those of you that know me from when I joined are saying "wow, what a hypocrite". Yes, I was the most toxic, cancerous piece of shit, but I've changed. Anyways, we need to work towards a less toxic community. Respond to those that are toxic with something positive, try and lighten things up. We don't need to respond with negativity. I do it sometimes, we are all guilty of it. It's just a goal we all need to accept and attempt to achieve. A lot of "i quit" posts are people complaining about the toxicity. As a group, a community, as friends, whatever it is to you, let's all just try and be a less toxic community.

Looking for more thoughts. Add a well structured comment to this, make this something that can be noticed. We're getting nowhere by making snide comments about the game in small "Suggestion Thread" posts. Sorry if this has already been made, but I wanted to make my points valid stated.

EDIT* I am aware the majority of this will most likely not happen. I just wanted to say what I thought was wrong, and wanted to see what others thought.
Last edited by TyZi; Feb 4, 2017 at 09:44 PM. Reason: nvm
Originally Posted by SkypePro View Post
A less toxic community. I know those of you that know me from when I joined are saying "wow, what a hypocrite". Yes, I was the most toxic, cancerous piece of shit, but I've changed. Anyways, we need to work towards a less toxic community. Respond to those that are toxic with something positive, try and lighten things up. We don't need to respond with negativity. I do it sometimes, we are all guilty of it. It's just a goal we all need to accept and attempt to achieve. A lot of "i quit" posts are people complaining about the toxicity. As a group, a community, as friends, whatever it is to you, let's all just try and be a less toxic community.

Toxicity is something that occurs in every game, I'm toxic, you're toxic, we're all toxic at one point, no one can stop that. Preventing it would be nice, but stopping it is impossible.

Other than this opinion, I strongly agree with everything, especially advertising, due to the fact that we would probably have an astronomically increasing amount of players in game but as well as forums. This will also be able to give hampa ad revenue, therefore being able to make more ads and more money, with it basically a win win for the community and the developer(s)
maybe later
Originally Posted by Oxblix View Post
Toxicity is something that occurs in every game, I'm toxic, you're toxic, we're all toxic at one point, no one can stop that. Preventing it would be nice, but stopping it is impossible.)

This is completely true, but this community is EXCEEDINGLY toxic. I just proposed we attempt to lower that bar a bit.
Originally Posted by SkypePro View Post
This is completely true, but this community is EXCEEDINGLY toxic. I just proposed we attempt to lower that bar a bit.

How do you propose that happen? This game is toxic because it's easy to communicate through text in game, and on the forum. It's something that can not be avoided, really.

Also, about your statement with staff. I believe the staff are doing just fine. You say 5, which I hope is just a guess without looking, but there is 5-8 members in Market Squad, Super Moderators, Help Squad, and Clan Squad. There are 3 Administrators, which is enough. If they find someone who wants to go that high, and fits the placement. Then they would add them.

"Dear reader, I hope this email finds you before I do."
Will go from position that are more realistic to the least ones.

Staff. Basically the simplest part here, can be solved with one recruitment drive. However I may agree that some staff groups need more people (ES, for example), they generally do fine now. If the team has its duties covered with a current number of members, adding more may only bring problems, especially if you consider that people who aren't in staff are usually not good enough to be in there.

Making game more user-friendly. Can be done, hopefully will be done some time soon.

New ranking system. Ranking system itself isn't bad, the way it's used is. It was a plan to keep it this way for one month only for testing purposes, yet we ended up with still having it after what, 2 years? We're currently fixing matchmaking, once it's finished the ranking should be ok.

Advertising. No sense spending money on advertising if retention rate is as low as it is now. May be worth trying when we don't have 60% of people closing the game after less than 1 minute of staying in it. Basically we first need to have stuff from the above implemented, then think about attracting new people with paid ads.

More regular updates. Team is small, regular updates that change the game each time won't happen. I'm not sure what happened with the 5.0 release as I was away at that time, but the current 5.11 has less features than a 5.0 beta I was testing back in 2015. Main problem as I see it is not that the game needs more regular updates, but that it has a range of broken and undercooked features that all require fixing (which doesn't always happen as people ask for new stuff).

Engine overhaul. Barely possible now, won't happen.

Community toxicity is something that depends on players themselves. Also I think what we currently have is not as cancerous as it was several years ago.
Last edited by sir; Feb 3, 2017 at 11:01 AM.
Gotta realize that this game is played for free and that the developers are probably not working on this fulltime or even more than 10 hours a week.

I doubt there will be any major changes and I doubt that the concept of toribash will grow beyond all expectations so I doubt there is any one who is interested in investing large amount of recourses to improve the things you demand.
Don't know how it is today, but when I was actively paying attention to this game a couple of years ago the owner of this game was barely paying any attention to the game and all of the community work was being done by volunteers. Nothing too productive can come out of that.

Therefore the only perceivable way of improving the game drastically is if somebody who wants to really see some changes applies himself to get shit done.

So, instead of writing lengthy articles about things somebody else should do you can go get shit done. Do it.
How are you?
Originally Posted by Redundant View Post
So, instead of writing lengthy articles about things somebody else should do you can go get shit done. Do it.

This isn't something I, personally, can achieve. I am 13, I've got responsibilities. I wrote this lengthy article to bring forth everything that I've read other people saying, and what I've personally seen. I was aiming to achieve the goal of getting the developers attention, or even the big bad Hampa himself. If I had both the free time and the age experience, I WOULD try and "get shit done". But who in the blue fuck would hire a 13 year old to work on a video game? Nobody I've ever talked too. Again, this is FULL of opinions a lot of people will disagree with, and a lot will agree with.
Originally Posted by WeooWeoo View Post
How do you propose that happen? This game is toxic because it's easy to communicate through text in game, and on the forum. It's something that can not be avoided, really.

Also, about your statement with staff. I believe the staff are doing just fine. You say 5, which I hope is just a guess without looking, but there is 5-8 members in Market Squad, Super Moderators, Help Squad, and Clan Squad. There are 3 Administrators, which is enough. If they find someone who wants to go that high, and fits the placement. Then they would add them.

Again, I wasn't saying we could diminish toxicity entirely, but this community is fairly toxic.. I was just stating that we should attempt to tone it down.

My statement about staff was a guess without looking, yes. My reasoning for mentioning that was because, from my experience browsing the forums and people complaining in game, a lot of people tired of lack of user support. A lot of this is based off what I've read, or heard others saying. This might not be an issue, might not be. In my opinion, it seems like it is. Maybe it's time zones, I don't really know, but the only Staff I see in-game frequently are Fred, Wizard, and Swepples. I don't even know the other staff members, I don't ever see them. I know that there are more than just in-game staff, like Forum managers and what not.
Last edited by Kris; Feb 3, 2017 at 05:02 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
for the ranking system why not have belts? or call it something else

You have a certain elo lets say 1000-1499 is a certain "belt" and 1500-1999 is another.

This is just a thought not really sure on how to make the text below this work.
I would prefer if it would be named after our current belts, maybe we could change our belts to Levels or Ranks or something different
Nomad Moderated Message:
Be more straightforward with your uplifting messages or I'll fucking skin you alive.
What would be quite nice, is rather than a numbered rank system aka rank 1 etc. But instead a rank system with player number based ranks. E.G. Grandmaster for the top *few* percent, Master, Diamond etc.

^ Check the starcraft 2 ranking system, they execute this very well
Originally Posted by Sense View Post
What would be quite nice, is rather than a numbered rank system aka rank 1 etc. But instead a rank system with player number based ranks. E.G. Grandmaster for the top *few* percent, Master, Diamond etc.

^ Check the starcraft 2 ranking system, they execute this very well

That's a valid idea, but I personally like the number ranks, as it is very precise. If your idea was executed properly, it could be good as well. Each rank get a certain prize, instead of Rank 1 only getting a prize. Like, Rank 1 player would still get the best prize, but the Diamond rank, for say, the highest rank other than just "1", would get 5k at the end of the month, Gold rank would get 2.5k, Bronze gets 2k, or something like that.. That'd be pretty cool.