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[Solved] New, and need help :(
Well i found this awesome game

And well ive been practicing for like 3-4 hours, and i still cant do shit,

if anyone could help me learn how to move everything, that would be great
Dude it takes months and months to know how to make good replays or good moves just keep practicing.
Originally Posted by iPirateGuy View Post
Dude it takes months and months to know how to make good replays or good moves just keep practicing.

Well im practicing, but im not getting ANY better. I dont know how to even do anything, i can follow tutorials, but it doesnt actually make me know anything.
Originally Posted by hamza135 View Post
just experiment with everyjoint and you will learn it just try it

Any mods good for practicing?
Note, I have been playing for 3 years and i barely get anything good, Im not go0nna discourage, but maybe the whole idea of the game doesnt fit your need, maybe try mod making or art, if not just keep practicing, You arent gonna get it in the first 2 months for sure, 1 year you may get some moves in, 2 3 4 5.....Boom, master
I am only a brown belt and have played for 5-7 years. I quit for most of them and created a new account. The only way to get better is to practice for years. Try judo aikido ect. to practice.
the main thing i want to learn how to do, is simple stuff, like walk, run, and the big one, recover. I can do a kick, but then im like just falling and i cant do anything
Go onto toribash (GAME) and go to the one with the Desc Recruiting Closed. The people there WILL help you. Tell them that their leader sent you.
I played for 1 month...
Single player i sucked at first, But when i went to Multiplayer, You might get good. That's where i got good