Originally Posted by Icky View Post
Scroll down in the advanced search screen, change the post order from from descending to ascending date. (It will start with the furthest back posts avaliable, then move forward).

Yo I did this but my first posts don't seem like they'd be my first posts, weird. I seem to remember posting before 2012 and I doubt my first post would've been welcoming someone to the forums.
My first thread on this account (my last account was back in like 2010 so I dont really remember the name). So I will be giving the first thread on this account.
Here it is (tut being finished tam)

Be Cool. Have Style.
Your first post was this
Your first thread was this (quite cringey first thread if I do say so myself)
You have to have Forum vip/tp to forums search.
how you do it is by going to the statistics bar when on someones profile.
There will be to links that say
Find all posts by *user*
Find all threads by *user*
You then click to the end of the pages to find the ones made longest back.
Hope I helped <3

Be Cool. Have Style.
Holy crap, your right. So cringe for god sake. I was a young little boy, I was only 12 and at that time I was a big fan of Call of Duty zombies.