Original Post
[ARA] Find a Teacher

So instead of filling the off-topic thread with teacher requests and scattering it out to the point where your post may be forgotten.With increased effectiveness and focus on only finding a teacher, you may use this thread to do so.

Simply use this format:

Who you want to teach you(If not specific then leave blank):
Available times:

Teachers will monitor this thread and take on people to teach etc.

Please note,you have to be an official student first. Apply here

Here's a list of all the current teachers and their status.


Last edited by Facade; Apr 20, 2013 at 03:32 AM.

▂▃▄▅▆▇█▓▒░ eVo ░▒▓█▇▆▅▄▃▂

Nice, stickied.
in the name of the manly balthier send me your orc/chronos/gladiator items
Well, I posted a student app on the old thread, should I just c/p it here?
<Spartan094> jcan't into links fck bithse sg mgiet monehy lolololf
I think you need to be accepted as an official student and then find a teacher.
Vordred alt.
Contact Vordred.
Ah, yes. Wrong thread. Sorry about that.
<Spartan094> jcan't into links fck bithse sg mgiet monehy lolololf
We don't deny students, so post here
My signature was too long so I got this pretty rainbow here instead now. Isn't it nice? This is a nice rainbow.

Risk did this to me and I hate him forever, please join the official "Fuck Risk in the Ass With a Live Bat" social group to join me in hating Risk:
Click here to join my cult to fuck Risk in the ass with a live bat
Am i official student?
i was apply at Old thread page 84

Mod: Classic (replay making)
Who you want to teach you(If not specific then leave blank): aracoon
GMT: +7
Available times: 12:00 PM- 6:00 PM (GMT +7)
Thank you,
Best regards

Mod: Spar Or Parkour
Who you want to teach you: box
GMT: +8
Available times: Whenever I am online
Add me on skype water, my usernamethingy is landenone.
If you don't have a skype just shoot me a PM, I will reply pretty quickly.
i would want to take platabear's abd and replay making Classic
1.replay making and abd
4.saturday and sunday whole day
Last edited by Luke5815; Apr 20, 2013 at 01:01 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
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