ES Recruitment Drive
School should take priority over toribash, if you're struggling to complete school work take a break from gaming for a while
I wouldn't take a break, just really plan out your day. If you got school work then plan out when you wanna do it, and follow through. It will help you stay on top of your school work and have time to play toribash
some times school work can be tiring for me or a need a break from writing to i play toribash the game kinda helps with my school work before when i had friends they took up to much time no friends is much more efficient
Time management is an invaluable skill when you're trying to balance a couple things throughout your day. I have relatively bad time management so games/forums occupy more time than my college homework.
Buy me food and tell me I'm cute.
Time management is not my strong point, but I usually just play around 10-15 games and then finish my school work, then go back to playing.
I'd take work over toribash. It brings a strong bond between you and the teacher because you're like the only kid who did it. It also pays off. Hope this helps! (Or just do 30 mins school work 30 mins TB)
<ZENBOY123> "Skip"
<SkipBySkip> "Shit, what have I done now?
I play about 6 different games and it's easy if you're willing to give up your sleep. I sleep for about 2 hours a day, kinda explains my often grumpy attitude. But yeah, I stay up till about 5 and then sleep for two hours before waking up to go to school. School work takes about 3 hours max.
school is a waste of time youll only get far in life with toribash

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