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An idea for a thing we could do.
So I was thinking of ways to get some stuff going again and I had the idea of placing an org wide bounty on all OLDA members. Basically I could make an event thread (maybe along the lines of OLDA bets we can kick your ass, or maybe something involving me being mad at all the many OLDA members) and for every multiplayer replay posted in the thread of someone beating a person wearing the OLDA tag I could pay something like 50TCs (it can't be anything too crazy if we are using my bank/items since I am also trying to start semi-regular comps).

All OLDA would have to do is wear the tag ingame (though, obviously it wouldn't be required). There wont be any prize for OLDA members if they win a match, but considering we are all old enough to go out and drink and get laid, I hope nobody minds ;)

It would last for a month max, and could be an ok way to get some new people here. I can't participate as of now, no internet but my phone. Anyone up for it, specifically people who play online somewhat frequently.
Last edited by deady; Dec 5, 2012 at 09:20 AM. Reason: My testicles.
Organisation of Awesome: Member.
I'm down. One question. Wearing the tag? How?
On a related note, if the replay doesn't have the tag is it still valid?
Like you would a clan tag, in brackets. Or if they still let you have something before the clan tag then maybe there. Its up to you really. The tag is [OLDA]. And eh, it could get confusing if you didn't have the tag on. I will already have to make sure nobody wears the tag who shouldn't, so for simplicity sake you have to have the tag. Hopefully some more oldas show up so we can do it.
Organisation of Awesome: Member.
I'm in, too. Sounds great
“War is a game that is played with a smile. If you can't smile, grin. If you can't grin, keep out of the way till you can.” - Winston Churchill
im in tho you can not wear the tag.

we can do something like this :

a list of OLDA members to beat up ;P

and the one who beats the most OLDA members from the list that we will come up with will get a nice price i can donate some tc if that is required ;P
I would be up for it aswell

Also, you still can put an org tag infront of your name, but it only appears in your rooms' desc. (For example OLDA[Hunters]ThePitcher's room)
When did they change that? D: I honestly had no idea about that. A list will work just as well though. Thanks for getting on board if you know any other OLDAs try to convince them. The more people we have, the better.

Thanks for the donation offer pirate. I will see if I can still access the OLDA bank and if I can will post here with all the info.

Would you guys be ok including in the list what times you are most likely to be online and what rooms you frequently play in? I did this once with a bounty on my head and it helped give the whole thing a bit of structure.
Organisation of Awesome: Member.
Originally Posted by deady View Post
Would you guys be ok including in the list what times you are most likely to be online and what rooms you frequently play in? I did this once with a bounty on my head and it helped give the whole thing a bit of structure.

I'll start. I'm online mostly from 5pm to 6pm/7pm or something along those lines. (GMT+1)

I usually play in aikido/aikidobigdojo- tourneys or in a server called "wind".
“War is a game that is played with a smile. If you can't smile, grin. If you can't grin, keep out of the way till you can.” - Winston Churchill
Cool. If/when we get more people I will make a big thread that will have the details and player list in the events board.
Organisation of Awesome: Member.