Original Post
Open Source Textures
So the deal is this.

You are still free to sell your textures but on this restriction (or this liberation depending on your view)...

1. You are to release your sourcefiles to your client.

2. Sources must be clear and easy to understand/recreatable if possible

3. The client can resell as long as the sourcefiles are also sent and proper credit is due

4. The client may also edit/improve the texture set as long as any updates are bubbled up/sent back to the original creator and credit for the updates are also included in any resell/redistribution

5. Derivations/adaptations MUST NOT BE RESTRICTED by the original author, and derivations based on OST's must also follow the preceeding rules.

This does not restrict the person from selling his work. This is not the FREE TEXTURE PROJECT. (that will be later)

I proposed this as a measure against texture theft cause if the sources can be easily traced, then we can easily find out who stole from whom.

and just because i can and i do...
