Originally Posted by Peter View Post
One thing I am quite certain about is that you should just go for it, whether or not you're feeling demoralized by the whole dollar bill situation (trying to get your business legal, loans, offices, advertising). One thing I've learned through the past few years is that procrastinating is useless.

'Just go for it!' is really bad advice for 90% of businesses. Can you take a product or service to market solo for little investment? Then sure, go for it. If you need to be able to pay people and plan to run a self-sustaining business, you're probably going to need a business plan that accounts for things like 'where does our seed capital come from'.
<~suomynona> TITS OR ELEELETH
Yeah but you either run yourself into the ground or succeed. If you sit there and think logically about it, then you sit around.

Business plans and the like which provide a foundation for the capital come with being a smart person. You're not just going to "go for it" without that, are you?
Or then, you're just dumb...right?

Planning your moves is just common sense, going for it is the intuition. Something people may need a nudge for with these kinds of things.