24 hour bump. I would really like some C&C.
Last edited by Lempika; Jun 12, 2010 at 04:49 AM.
I like ginger beer :D

It was a pretty simple manipulation, but it looked nice. My shoddy computer doesn't do your replays any justice :( When you were trying to get a stance at the end, it looked like you were about to go into a helicopter spin bboy thinger, have you ever made any dance replays?
Thanks : D I was just trying to stay on my hands until the replay ended. I haven't properly tried any realistic dances, mainly because I fail at it. I might try now though, I've been inspired.

When you went for the small spin and readjusted your hands it looked nice, you gained some momentum for the spin and landed on your hand well. I imagined you spreading your legs out mid spin and breaking into a dance routine.

I'll subscribe to this thread :D
So yeah, I tried skeeting for the first time. I think that's what it's called.
Attached Files
Lempika - Oh!.rpl (165.4 KB, 14 views)
Dem shoulders: Concept was nice. Was expecting alot more from the opening axe kick thingermebob. You could have used alot more balance after that, since staying on the ground for the following dms looked alittle sloppy. Although the following dismember looked kinda bad for the previously mentioned reason, you managed to get some air which gave the illusion of balance for the next one or two, which looked better. Last dismember felt alittle too long after the ones beforehand, however only ever so slightly. Pose was meh, pretty good replay overall however.

Oh!: Split was really cool, and I like the way you pushed yourself into it. Also liked how quickly you spammed both your chunks in succession, looked nice. However, the skeets themeselves looked pretty week, and did not have much speed at all, try to devote more of your momentum into your throw, and make good use of your still connected hand, if you had grabbed the wrist and then flung it with your other, you likely could have gotten much more speed, quality over quantity. Replay was also lacking a decap, which was alittle dissapointing. The transition to the pose, as well as the pose itself, were alot better in this then the previous replay, and overall, I can say I liked the replay better then the other as well, nice job.
oh yeah
New replay, I tried skeeting again. I can't seem to get a decap, I'm not putting enough power into it.
Attached Files
Lempika - Wait what.rpl (294.0 KB, 14 views)
The power is not the problem there, its what you are aiming at.
While it is assumable that as long as you are hitting the head with enough force it should eventually decap, with skeets, its more about the placement.
Try to aim for the round neckjoint oh the head, rather then the head itself, and that might dm.
oh yeah
Well I've taken a break for 3 weeks, and now I am back with some new replays. I tried some more skeets, and I think I am improving.
Attached Files
Lempika - Pizzala.rpl (268.7 KB, 11 views)
Lempika - Chocolate Love.rpl (110.9 KB, 9 views)