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[Art] 3d gun model

Finished model. Could add photons to get a lesser jittery shadow, but I kinda like it this way.

This is an arm attachment to a robot I might model later if I have time

It is not exactly the same as in my robot concept drawing, but I like this version better.
Last edited by Ezeth; Feb 15, 2012 at 02:35 AM.
Very nice, I like the structure of the render and its 3 barreled end. Hope to see it on a model later on. 8/10
don't talk to me or my dudes ever again
I like the structure of this and i like the way it has that touch of HALO the light at the start makes it look affective and the 3 barreled end gives it a sub machine gun sort of model.I think if you could 2 grips it would look better.