Original Post
[DSC] -- [GRAB]

One day I was in the middle of an "Uke pwning session" and thoroughly enjoying it. I made some super epic moves and pwned that puppet real good.
In a completely random turn of events, the previously lifeless Uke came to life, and grabbed my head, shredding it from my body like a raging [Triforce] member!!! Needless to say, with no head, i fell limp and dropped to the floor. But somehow my mind sharpened, and had some sort of telepathetic control over my body. So i stood up, grabbed my own head back, and we fought for it in a lengthy game of tug-o-war. Eventually, i emerged victorious and placed my head back in position, and pwned him.
After these events, i learnt a great deal about the benefits of grabbing, and decided to adopt it as a fighting style.

Pretty much to grow to be a skilled and respected clan that is known by everyone

No belt limits just yet, I'll just test you to check out your skills
Kind, Respected, Respectfull
Active both in-game and in forums



Newbies (Blue Belt or lower)

Just post a request and I'll think it over
Make sure you include:
How active are you?:

We need some money to become an official clan so any donation would be GREATLY appreciated if you can. They can be sent directly to me.
Anyone who donates will get a special mention (lol) as contributers to the foundation of [GRAB].
If you donate as you join, i will promote you to a higher rank-yet to be decided- you will perhaps have server powers if/when we get one.

Sealemons: 2k
EvilFlame: 100tc
Kolrockan: 500tc
Last edited by labrat; May 22, 2008 at 12:31 AM.
you make me feel like i peed myself..... it makes me feel warm :P

This is how awsome Squid is
lol you got 2 swear words in your story :P
other than that, and wheres the Clan Aim?
It makes me wonder..
:O swear words editted out (though they weren't technically swear words) and aim editted in
Last edited by labrat; May 17, 2008 at 02:53 PM.
you make me feel like i peed myself..... it makes me feel warm :P

This is how awsome Squid is
lol yer i decided to make it myself in the end :P
you make me feel like i peed myself..... it makes me feel warm :P

This is how awsome Squid is
its about time i found it!
im EvilFlame
Brown (HOpefully Black soon)
on about 5-7 days a week
So...How about it?
alrite both of you are in and thx sealemons u are the first donator XD
you make me feel like i peed myself..... it makes me feel warm :P

This is how awsome Squid is