i havent played in a while and when i come back they have bobcats with weird tails wth
also i dont like the new market layout. i preferred having it all on one page where there wasnt a tab for each category.
Life's not a waste of time and time's not a waste of life so let's stop wasting time, get wasted and have the time of our lives - Mr Worldwide 3:18
Anyone still play this? The new warframe looks interesting. But sadly I have to wait until next month before I can play again :(
Step out of your skin, put it in a jar. I thought they were my friends, but they were cannonballs.
Man, I used to be addicted to this game. To the point of seeing Saryn as almost attractive.

Didn't think I'd like Lunaro at all, but it's actually super fun. I haven't gotten the chance to play or see Titania yet, as I mainly play on xb1 lately due to a crappy rig. I don't think the update's out on there yet.

Originally Posted by shinitai View Post
Man, I used to be addicted to this game. To the point of seeing Saryn as almost attractive.

Didn't think I'd like Lunaro at all, but it's actually super fun. I haven't gotten the chance to play or see Titania yet, as I mainly play on xb1 lately due to a crappy rig. I don't think the update's out on there yet.

they are.
no u

they changed fissures.. i hate it..
They changed everything that made the game semi-fun..
also i've got a shitload of forma if anyone needs some.
Real human from Event Squad! Send your applications to me <3

Originally Posted by Colors View Post
they changed fissures.. i hate it..
They changed everything that made the game semi-fun..
also i've got a shitload of forma if anyone needs some.

what exactly did they change?
I stopped playing again a bit after second dream
mainly they fucked up the map, removed void keys. and a lot more shits
Real human from Event Squad! Send your applications to me <3

I like it more the new way.
the enemies in void now are more challenging.
I was tired of 30 hords on deffense missions
Originally Posted by Colors View Post
mainly they fucked up the map, removed void keys. and a lot more shits

and what about the keys you already have?
did they exchange them with something else or are they just obsolete now?
(i think i had at least 50 keys waiting to be used)