Original Post
Full texture set, 50 - 200k prize.
The Vampire Suit!

I'm requesting a full texture set. I would like it to include transparent body with blood and anything you would like to add to make it look smexy :> and on my right arm i would like it to say "Predator" and my head i would like it to be vampirish and say "I R Vampire" on the back, also my force is demon and my relax is vampire, so make it blend in with that, i will be willing to pay 100 - 200k depending on how good it is, thanks. :>

Just experiment and make it look the best you can and the most vampiric you can :>.

EDIT: Also, on the hands i would like it to say "Paw" on the tip of one and "Ned" on the other. And on the feet i would like one to say "Boom" and the other to say "Bang". Thankyou in advance :>.

EDIT2: You don't have to do the body i said, you can do anything you want such as armour or robes or w.e just do what you think looks best and worth 200k!

EDIT3: I can't believe i missed this out and only just realized D: Anyways, I should of told you to put "Predator" on the right bicep :S.
Last edited by Pawned; May 22, 2008 at 09:04 PM.
no i am nub
and to whoever -repped me i am working on it it was not spam
Last edited by ravenger; May 16, 2008 at 06:36 PM.
So this is why not many people are replying to my "50k head request", heh.
work it harder make it better do it faster makes us stronger more than ever hour after our work is never over