blue essence is for champions noob
got an s on nasus and

im done
Last edited by basic; Jun 23, 2016 at 02:22 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
yeah i quit for now

0 lp plat 2 FRESH from p3
play 1 game
win 17 lp

play game 2
lose 6-6-8

play game 3

nice meme

Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up

Originally Posted by Kiss View Post
As a katarina player, WW's ult is pretty annoying. Usually it results in my death or at least leaves me at 1/4 HP. But as tanky champions, even if you don't have any CC it's not too bad. I suppose what I'm trying to say is that WW's ult gives him strong assassination potential, but it's not broken to the point of needing a rework because he can still take damage, and it's not a guaranteed kill, especially in a teamfight.

As a kataraina player, you should be getting destroyed every single teamfight without fail, sure she does some decent damage, but a decent team will land a cc or two then you'll be dead, WW could be one the those.
WW, i think, should be played as a lifesteal tank, built to sustain , so when he ults the carry the enemy team will focus him but because of his tank and lifesteal he can survive so his team can kill the others.
When you refer to tanks not dying to ww, thats because they are primarily, tanks, and ww is not a tank killer

The only damage items WW should ever have are Botrk, wits end, sunfire, and frozen mallet for the mega luls, maybe Iceborn.

And no, man. That's like saying Yasuo should never get hit by a skillshots because he has 9 flashes and a windwall.
"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
My Replays
what, how does anything I said in my paragraph have any relationship at all to yasuo, windwalls, skillshots or flashes, try reading before issuesing statements completely off topic
the tl;dr of my paragraph is, ww is pretty useless unless you build him tank and have him stick to the carry and absorb damage

This has most likely been discussed before, but what's up with the grading system? Getting an S Grade seems so random and unexpected most of the time. The only times I expect an S Grade is when I have an amazing game, yet I get graded for worse performances.
Well, to put in perspective it's more mysterious than the ELO system.
"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
My Replays
They're reworking the grading system soon. They acknowledged that it's shit and needs an overhaul.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games