Original Post
Suggest a good smartphone.
I'm still one of those people with a normal mobile phone, and I figured that's not the way to go these days. I would love some suggestions for good quality smartphones (and tell me why I should get that specific smartphone!). And yes, I do know about iPhones, no need to suggest that one. I mainly want a smartphone due being able to communicate more easy, since everyone uses services like Whatsapp and such. And not having internet everywhere is actually harder than I thought.

Thanks in advance!

Additional details:

I have a price range that goes up to around 600 dollars. I'm looking for it to have a good performance, and a wide range of applications. I'm talking about more than the standard Youtube, facebook etc. applications.

Oh, and about the size: I'm looking for it to be realistic, I want to be able to hold it in one hand. So I don't want it to be humongous.

Decent photocamera and decent filming size is also appreciated.
And since I listen to a lot of music, like a lot, a decent memory size is also important.

Couldn't think of anything more. Good performance is probably the most important thing, as I despise lagging and buggy phones.
Last edited by Dilara; Oct 26, 2013 at 02:11 PM.
Why are you getting a smartphone? Just because it's "the done thing"? What features do you need?
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Sorry, I forgot about the details of what I want. Put them in the first post.
There are looooaaaads of smartphones, and everyone will tell you different ones.
Since you ask for suggestions, here are some of mine.
I live in Germany and the price estimation may be incorrect. I simply translated the price into USD.

HTC One is around 690 USD and a pretty good phone. Decent camera (can obviously not be compared to a good compact camera), big display, lays good in your hand and has very good specs. Comes in 16gb, 32gb, and 64gb variants. Has a very sharp display.
Unfortunately no mirco sd slot so you cannot enhance the memory.
Notable: Sound quality of the speakers is great.
Android Device

Google Nexus 450 USD, has one of the best cost/performance ratios, pretty good camera, but not better than HTC One.
Comes in variants as well and has no micro sd slot either.
Advantage of google phones is that they get the newest updates first. Most other companies drop updates for their devices after a while.
Is about as big as HTC One, display not as sharp but you will hardly notice a difference unless you look very closely.
Android Device

Nokia Lumia 925 around 550 USD, has a very good camera.
Does have a micro sd slot.
Is smaller than the other two phones
Notable about this phone is that it uses windows 8 instead of android. I have never used Windows 8. I hear that you either love it or hate it.

All of those phones have an excellent battery. Even smartphones with great batteries have to be recharged every other day if you use them a lot though, so take that into consideration.
If you want to compare them directly, use this website.

The greatest advantage of Android devices is the possibility to mod them according to your needs imo. I do not know if windows 8 has such a modding community, but I doubt it.
If you don't care for installing mods, the standard android operating system is pretty good too and allows the use of many applications. It is higher in demand and older, so it naturally has a bigger market.
Since I have no experience with windows 8 I dunno how the market is for those devices. Inform yourself. :P

I assume you don't want an iphone since they are very expensive, even if they are very good phones.
Last edited by Redundant; Oct 26, 2013 at 02:43 PM.
How are you?
Thanks a lot you guys!! That was very useful. I'm definitely not getting a w8 phone since I despise it. I think it's going to be an android, just gotta explore the different phones you posted a bit more before I decide. If I have any knowledge about buying phones, it's not asking the store I'm buying one at for advice. I'll probably post later which phone I got. In the meantime, any more suggestions of other people would also be very helpful.

And yeah, iPhones are pretty nice (maybe even the best?) but I've been working with iPods and iPhones over 5 years now. I want something different as I still use my iPod Touch 3rd gen. Not to mention that they're overpriced.
Apple is overpriced crap (no offense for apple lovers)
Simply , apple is for ppl who love spendig money , expensive, yet useless
Android is for technical ppl. So many tweak you can got
What do you need a smartphone for?
To call? A regular (cheap) cell phone can do that.
To take pictures? A camera can do that better.
To 'stay in touch'? Then why leave the house? Just stay home if you don't want to 'miss' anything.
f=m*a syens
We need all of them, lol
We need portable phone that can call , photo, etc
That's why ppl buy smartphone , duh >>