The black box most likely refers to a common problem caused by object going inside the floor when reflection is on.
You can check it yourself if you set the graphics on high.
It can be fixed simply by moving the objects so that they dont go inside the floor.
[The Team]
<largekilla> You are going to give me cancer
Obazu, I thought that bug was fixed? The only reason I made it go deep inside the floor was because otherwise people's feet might get stuck beneath the floor. Xioi highlighted that issue during testing.
| old boi | Cyri | Xioi | Chill | SparChar | Fatman | JackMorris |
"Go back in time and get it tomorrow" - Jack
Atleast for me the problem has still been there in every new version I've checked.
The feet getting stuck problem can always be solved by making the block so thick you can't fully ghost it.
[The Team]
<largekilla> You are going to give me cancer
That's what I did, but I hid the rest of the block in the floor.

I suppose I could just raise everything up by one and make it not go through the floor.
| old boi | Cyri | Xioi | Chill | SparChar | Fatman | JackMorris |
"Go back in time and get it tomorrow" - Jack
Right click on your Toribash starter. Then go to setings and then into the data file
click on mod and drag the mod itself right in there or copy/paste it.
Jun 2, 2023 - .best. day. ever.
Could you rephrase your question?
| old boi | Cyri | Xioi | Chill | SparChar | Fatman | JackMorris |
"Go back in time and get it tomorrow" - Jack