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This item is inside a set
Ok so i want to talk about something that really pisses me off and should be corrected asap.

Whenever somebody puts an item on market, but, that item is inside a set it makes it IMPOSSIBLE to buy it.


Here this guy did this move with a 128x128 Right Bicep Texture and even if i'd like to buy it i can't. Why? Because it's in a set, and? Well even if i'd want to buy the set guess what? THE WHOLE SET IS NOT FOR SALE because he only put 1 item from the set up for sale.

Here is the guy Active inventory:

And guess what can we find inside the set?

Doing this kind of shit he basically locked the price of this item at 1400 and we're forced to sell below that.

Now imagine if i put all my items (300+) at 100 TC the way he did... I'll ruin 300 items prices and guess what? You will be forced to sell below that price. (well not really but my items will always be above yours)

Now my question is, why this is still allowed? Can't we auto-remove an item from the set when it's put on the market?

Fatality was that i saw this today and this poor guy was the designated victim of my anger but go ahead and make a check it's plenty of items out there locked in the same way.


Forgot to mention the no-sense shiai items, same thing here:

Last edited by AlteredCode; Apr 23, 2020 at 06:21 AM.
I mean yes it locks market price technically.. But if they tried to buy it they couldn't either? So they would just keep attempting buying the next one up etc.? Just my thoughts on this, I'm sure devs will look into it nonetheless
Ex-Tori-Agent | Ex-Event Squad | Best Planet

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Originally Posted by Saturn View Post
I mean yes it locks market price technically.. But if they tried to buy it they couldn't either? So they would just keep attempting buying the next one up etc.? Just my thoughts on this, I'm sure devs will look into it nonetheless

Yes the most logic thing everybody will do is buy the next one but that's not the right way in my opinion. From a marketing point of view i think it's important that your items are above the others. Another thing is that when you put a lower price for an item it bumps it on the first page of the market, that leads to a major sell opportunity. If we can't count on that "bump" an user should search for a specific item.
Last edited by AlteredCode; Apr 23, 2020 at 04:14 AM.
Not a bug but I might update the way it works if I get some spare time for forum market changes in future.