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Fastest Hit
So, a little while ago pikarus asked if there was a record for fastest hit in the BoR (in the triple combo thread somewhere), and there wasn't but I figured, what the hell, thats what I'm best at (hitting fast), I'll go for it and see what the rest of Toribash thinks.

So, here is the fastest single hit, at 9 frames.

I know that it deals 0 damage at 9 frames, but the elbow clearly turns red, as it was hit (in the frame before you can see that the hand is actually inside the elbow). Elbows don't take damage from contact.

Title of Record: Fastest Hit

Measurement of Record: 9

Relevant Settings: None

Mods Used: classic
Replay of Submission: (attached .rpl file)

P.S. No flames please. If you don't like, say so, but don't be a fag.
Attached Files
Last edited by HedHuntr; Mar 23, 2009 at 02:11 AM.
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