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Strange request
I was wondering if someone could make a script that makes everything in the game run slower, maybe not everything, but ghosts and replays specifically. The reason being is when I use the /opt fixedframerate 0 command, the game goes up to 300fps (sorry to flex) but everything also runs about 5 times as fast, I can fix replays with the speed modifier (after watching them once in anime speeds) but ghosts are always extremely fast. in parkour maps with atmos the fps goes down to 180, so for those scenarios it'd be great to have another script I can run that would bring the speed down to one third and not one fifth.

TLR I would like a script that slows replays and ghosts down to one fifth speed, and one that brings them down to one third as well, if at all possible. Thank you very much and may you not fix one code error and break five more