ES Recruitment Drive
DAMN MAN,Those mods are awesome.the sparta mod is epic
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592
Back working on these, edited a bit the urban rooftop. Tell me what else I should add
<Xioi> Become one with the bleach
Finished the urban roof top, might change something if you think I should
<Xioi> Become one with the bleach
The mod look awesome dude, maybe add more cable between building so we can cross the road at some point of the parkour ?
French Player, Old member of OFRO
I already put some wires, do you think I should put more? which buildings, the sky blue with the green one? I could add that
<Xioi> Become one with the bleach
Well I already used the maximun amout of objs, idk if I should remove something to do that or just leave it as it is
<Xioi> Become one with the bleach
Leave it as it is, anyway most parkourer will deal with it (me included)
French Player, Old member of OFRO