Original Post
[REL] hoaxshu
I had the idea to make a version of wushu last week after playing a few silly wushufixed rounds with Sissykick. hoaxshu ended up being a pretty fun mod. I think of it as wushu.tbm with less random dm's and more intentional/predictable dm's.

important detail: I kind of fucked up on the first upload(which is hoaxshu.tbm), and so after someone finding the solution to the problem(thanks pwnz <3) I had to upload a fixed version: hoaxshu2.tbm

The only changes I made were in the gamerules:

fractures: off
dismember threshold: 180-200 (180 on this mod, pretty sure pwnzafahra changed it to 200 on his versions)
matchframes: 1000
reactiontime: 25
dq timeout: 5(pwnzafahra changed his to 20, pretty sure)

I basically modified wushufixed settings on a spur of the moment and revised it from there--in 30 minutes, this was the product.
I made this because the amount of fracs in wushufixed was starting to increase more and more for me, and I was getting fed up. I liked wushu.tbm a lot more, but the idea of bs dismemberment every single match sounded pretty shitty at the moment as well. So I got rid of fracs and turned the dmt up to 180.
I added the dq timeout just because I read discussions about adding a little dq timeout to wushu, and I thought it was a good idea. Almost everyone liked the addition. I put the reactiontime to 25 because I like the breathing room to do a lot more with my joints(or to flip to another window and make more progress multitasking ^^).
Attached Files
hoaxshu2.tbm (351 Bytes, 5 views)
Most of the official servers use mods like wushu.tbm, sambo-off.tbm and aikido.tbm. However, these are simply changes to the gamerules to produce a different type of gameplay. Certain members (including me) call these modes because they are merely a change to 'classic' gameplay and thus, the modfiles are used for convenience instead of necessity.

On the other hand, mods require that their associated modfile is loaded in order to play (due to bodymods and/or environment objects).

Feel free to upload "modes" to the mod uploader since it is easier to load and play them when you want.

However, the mods section is only for MODS.

(your new "variation of aikido" will be deleted. no matter how cool it is.)

Sorry but this thread is not necessary and violates this rule. This is just a variation of wushu which is fine and all. But this is not what the mods section is for. I don't mind if you add this modfile to pwnzafahra's thread though (I'll merge this thread to that if you like) but I'll have to close this one.
Pirate: smilies, your textures kick so much ass

<~ClockworkMonkey> sometimes, you don't try really hard and things just work out