oh, but hello guys! I am ESoldier25, a.k.a EliteSoldier25, but you can tell me Elite. I am a brown belt, and i play mushu (i am not good it, but i want to master it) Judo, ABD, greykido, and Taekkyon! I played with some members OF your clan, and they are veeeeery cool! they are high skilled, but i have beaten them, except Nova.
Alts, i don't have, and previous clans, yes, I had! Roulette's and DarkFox! i left them because they are dead! (I mean inactive) and now, I want to join your clan, because, why not? I am active, loyal and i am not a bad man, a troll, etc.
My name is Marin Vlad, I am from Romania and i like to risk! I play Toribash, Serious Sam 3, Battlefield 4 and many, many other games! I have skype, but i pretty much use TeamSpeak3, because it is a very good app which helps you win by communicating with the other players from room!
and now, the player card, it is not that good, because i play a lot in public servers and i lose, but, I can evade the risky situations, like the near dq moments, it happens to me EVERYTIME! and i counter them, which is normal.
And, yes, I understand the joints, because i played this game a lot.
Hope you guys will like my app thread! see you on Toribash!
P.S. sorry for my grammar, but i write very fast and make a lot of mispellings.

Here is the card!
Last edited by ESoldier25; Jan 30, 2015 at 01:31 PM.