Original Post
Stop the Abuse Event
You've heard, I'm sure of it. Abuse going around, leading to tragic deaths around schools. Well Tori and Uke won't take it.

I've had trouble in school ever since I was a kid. I used to get made fun of because of my old weight problem. I'm not "fat" anymore, I'm your average freshmen. You might not understand this as well as other young children around the states, but I certainly do. It's bad enough our country is at war with who knows what. You know what's worse? They don't do a damn thing about child abuse. I'm not talking about family abuse, but abuse at school. What is causing these incidents you ask? Well it's these certain people called "bullies". Now I'm too young to take personal action, but I'm never too young to stop a little of it.
Here's what I call the "Stop the Abuse" event.

Everyones alike in their own wierd way. So think about it.

What do I do?
You simply take part, take part in stopping these events.

How might I do this task?
Well, this is how.

This event is similar to the Rutzor event.

Your task:
Go around your neighborhood, school, or even your local markets. I want you to make a piece of paper that says "Stop the Abuse". Write little informations regarding the bully incident, and post it everywhere. Then proceed to taking a picture of this, and sending it to me. Upload it with Photobucket, or any other form of PIC uploading site. I'll review, and post the winner.

Prize for the first winner, only: 135k TC.

Start making a change.
Last edited by Keaton; Dec 9, 2010 at 05:22 PM.
we dem boys
I made mine already,I'm still adding colors and designs,I think these posters everyone in this contest is making will be able to help at least some fat kids! I will post a picture of it when it is done,I have a question too,when is the deadline for the posters?
hmmm... i've never been bullied..but i like the idea of the event and would like to see what some of these participants did and might encourage me to actually participate.
i support it tho i cant do much even tho i'm always bullied
i'm really bad at art
but i still support it so people who are taking part
do ur best