Originally Posted by Locus View Post
I don't agree with this. Just build for the split push game and duel people if you don't have a teamcomp that will do well in teamfights.

usually you wont be able to duel anyone after going 0/8 in lane after being camped by jungler
though yasuo top could be viable, sometimes jungler ignore that lane
anyway, asuming you get out of lane phase in a good spot, you can splitpush, but still, at some point youll be stuck pushing a wave into the turret and their top cleaning it, then youre just an ordinary splitpusher, which any other splitpush champ wouldve done just as well, so if you dont get a teamcomp to help yasuo be good in teamfights, if you wanna just splitpush with him then may as well picked a champ to do the same thing but be better by himself in teamfight when one breaks out.
im good at league
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Originally Posted by Kat View Post
usually you wont be able to duel anyone after going 0/8 in lane after being camped by jungler
though yasuo top could be viable, sometimes jungler ignore that lane
anyway, asuming you get out of lane phase in a good spot, you can splitpush, but still, at some point youll be stuck pushing a wave into the turret and their top cleaning it, then youre just an ordinary splitpusher, which any other splitpush champ wouldve done just as well, so if you dont get a teamcomp to help yasuo be good in teamfights, if you wanna just splitpush with him then may as well picked a champ to do the same thing but be better by himself in teamfight when one breaks out.

Words of a challenger player btw
"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
My Replays
I understand he gets camped often, which could be a problem, but that's what wards are for. He's a weak early champion to make up for later. Also, the majority of champs that are meta right now have knockups to work with Yasuo, so you hardly have to build a teamcomp around him.

And yes, Char, I understand he was challenger. I'm currently diamond 4, so I'd like to think my opinion holds some value as well.
League of Legends NA: Locus
first time Udyr this year?


"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
My Replays
So this is one of my better AP Shaco games:

how to carry games as ap shaco

Was taking bot outer turret when a fight breaks out in mid so I'm walking up the river and say "incoming penta" jokingly, next minute I get an unofficial penta (got a triple and double of all the enemy players within 20 seconds of each other) gg
My First Ekko Game Ever. (Top)

here we go

i was doing pretty great vs that riven like 3/0 or something like that. even lee sin was ganking but it wasn't enough. my 5 death are pretty much mistake with ult and such, and one in pool for fun.
no u

People refuse to understand that you shouldnt chase an ekko with his ult up. That thing is deadly as hell.
No you really should if you know what you're doing. So long as you can stay in front of where he was 4 seconds ago, it's perfectly safe to chase him. It's the W you have to look out for.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games